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6 results found for "vrack".
Showing results 1 - 6.

Size:237.76 KB
Author:Fredrik Johansson

Vrack 2
This is a giant space station in the gray and tech theme. It is crumbling with hellspawn and filled with deadly traps. This is a little more like I wanted to have the original Vrack. More detail, more metal, more big enemies, less linear. I have sp...Date:04/08/01
Size:588.54 KB
Author:Fredrik Johansson

Vrack 2
This is a re-release of Vrack 2. This version contains the following fixes: * People complained that I hadn't built a REJECT table, so their computers went slow with the level. Here you go, a brand spanking REJECT table. Built wi...Date:12/14/01
Size:667.36 KB
Author:Fredrik Johansson

Vrack 0
You are in space and you must kill everyone there before they conquer Earth!...Date:09/05/03
Size:17.21 KB
Author:Fredrick Johnson

Vrack 3
Single map, tech base, hellspawn, etc....Date:11/27/03
Size:922.19 KB
Author:Fredrik Johansson

UAC Interstellar AKA Vrack 6
This is a BOOM compatible version of the enormous UAC Interstellar space themed map This map is heavely inspired by the Vrack like map series. You are located on a large space station from the UAC in a far corner somewhere in space, wich is taken...Date:01/21/23
Size:1.14 MB

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