Title: Descent into the Depths of Chaos #3
Filename: levels/doom/0-9/3chaos.zip
Size: 56.51 KB
Date: 11/16/12
Author: The Chaos Brothers David Montgomery & Jim Milner
Description: This is a maze-like Pwad, and is intended as the third level to our remake of the "Shores of Hell" episode.

You find yourself in a series of small, confining rooms, with no idea where in the HELL you are. Patterns are important...
Credits: ID software, DEU 5.2 & BSP 1.0 We couldn't have done it without you.

And to the authors of UAC_DEAD for the invisible walls idea. That is a Bitchin' wad file dudes.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.2, DEU5.2gcc, BSP 1.0
Bugs: none as built
Rating: (9 votes)
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Getsu Fune
dreadful due to the grids of rooms and required secrets.x
Even with 1994 standard, this level still SUCKS. Secret ways is not guessing-fest of main level flow. 1/5 x
This would be terrible even for a Wolf3D map. You hear a lot today about filtering Doomguy 2000's WADs because they're so shitty, but if anything the filter should be for this 90s garbage.x

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