Title: Hornet
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/g-i/hornet.zip
Size: 20.21 KB
Date: 11/14/11
Author: Michael Chmielecki
Description: The map is small and deceptively simple, but there are lots of secrets and intentional red herrings. You definitely should not immediately charge off with guns blazing, as that will only get you killed. There are visual hints as to what you should and should not do. Proceed cautiously, and examine everything.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Created over three days or so. It was a long time ago, so I don't remember the specifics.
Editor(s) used: Waded, I believe.
Bugs: N/A
Rating: (8 votes)
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ORIGWAD (FIRST MAP) DISCUSSION ALERT: I told you guys some time ago that the so much hailed origwad (can be found via search on origwad.zip) was *not at all* the first map created. Well, this one is dated Dec 31, 1993, and as it plays like indeed being created during Christmas 1993, the discussion about origwad may now be closed. On-topic: typical average early mess. As I own a wad made in Jan 1994 which is much, much better, but there are a lot floating around being much worse: 3* for the effort.x
walter confalonieri
Rubbish. 1/5 for the effort. - ZZx
Bobbins. - Major Rawnex
Not terrible, but could've been so much better. 2/5x
Wow. It is deceptively simple. I completed it less than 90 seconds after loading it up with PrBoom+. 3/5 I guess.x

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