Title: Silurian
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/s-u/silurian.zip
Size: 2.43 MB
Date: 01/01/24
Author: Nicolas Monti
Description: Alpha-Style episode replacement
Credits: Cacodemon187 AshtralFiend rzh DaRkWeZ rita remton Vanilla+Unicorn Buhseo_ knifeworld SilverMiner Faceman2000 Valboom Andromeda Solmyr years Noiser Searcher Lila Feuer Walter confetti Deadwing RonnieJamesDiner Wo0p Alaxzandarz Berubaretto espilka Firedust Pechudin Fernito (he supports but privately, that's weird) itnaklipse (ultrabanned > youtube)

For playtesting, pointing out bugs, giving support and valuable criticism, helping to a more polished final version.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 months (04/09/2023 to 27/12/2023) with a two month hiatus before the final map
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder2, Slade, Doomword.
Bugs: no
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