Title: DOOM 1.666 WADS The Gateway ; The Pedestal ; The Great DOOM
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dmd123.zip
Size: 149.89 KB
Date: 01/13/05
Author: Dave
Description: DAVE1.WAD - The Gateway DAVE2.WAD - The Pedestal DAVE3.WAD - The Great DOOM
Credits: First off THANK TO ID for such an awesome game!
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU5.21 and BSP 1.1X.
Rating: (4 votes)
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5 stars for the above review!x
These levels are from October 1994. I got sick of E2M1 quickly, it's a typical badly-made 1994 map, mazey and painful to look at. E2M2 starts off just like Doom II's "The Pit", which is the only interesting thing about it. The very first room of E2M3 (a polygonal cavern, drawn freehand, with "DOOM E2M3" written on the floor) made me lose the will to live. And now I'm dead, reduced to writing about Doom levels from the afterlife. Damn you.x

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