Title: The Mega Maze
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/m-o/megamaze.zip
Size: 205.93 KB
Date: 10/23/94
Author: Justin "J.T." Ward
Description: really big maze. A few good sniper points, and a pretty good secret area. First level is really just a "signature". You'll see what I mean. I put it first rather than second so people actually see it. Also, be warned that there are exactly 4 d-match starts in e1m1, right next to each other. Like I said, it's really just a sig level. Agree not to shoot until e1m2.
Credits: Martin Hylerstedt-- ad92mh@pt.hk-r.se I used his sounds. doomsday.zip is where I found 'em Rick Kelly-- accolade@netcom.com I used his music, in rikmusic.zip
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: A few months to develop on paper. under 2 hours to actually DEU it.
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21 gcc, bsp 1.1w, bsp 1.2x
Bugs: I hate bugs. There aren't any. At all.
Rating: (1 vote)
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