Filename: levels/doom/g-i/garden2.zip
Size: 70.06 KB
Date: 03/03/06
Author: Topher List
Description: Welcome to the botanical gardens of Deimos. My concept here was aesthetics. I wanted to create an indoor/outdoor scenario that would challenge experienced players and showcase Doom's graphics. Many of the rooms are difficult until you figure out a trick for dealing with them, but the whole level is far from impossible (unless played on skill level 4 or 5, it gets pretty tough that way). The level's big and tricky.
Credits: The makers of DOOM, the makers of DOOMCAD, Colin Reed (for the excellent node builder BSP) and Bill Neisius (for DMGRAPH)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 80 hours? 150 hours? I don't know, but it was a lot.
Editor(s) used: DOOMCAD and BSP11
Rating: (1 vote)
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This is dated October 1994. I'm wary of a 1994 level that's designed to "showcase Doom's graphics", but this is a superior map - it's a large and non-linear dungeon / techbase, with a decent lot of monsters and some clever bits. The author has managed to get the textures more or less correct and it even has - gasp - a maze that's entertaining and fun to play. Overall this is excellent for 1994, although a bit long-winded by modern standards.x

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