Title: The last joke!
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/dai_lj.zip
Size: 2.27 MB
Date: 10/02/07
Author: Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri
Description: This is my last jokewad, as the title suggest. after this i will made only fuckin' cool things. Maybe (and i repeat MAYBE) i'll plan to made a sequel of the bleha saga, but it will a semiserious thing like in bella 2 of paul corfiatis. Oh and don't forget that mordeth thing of the community joke!!!!!!! btw, lets start with the description of this wad! This wad is based upon joke megawads like 1337.wad, mock2.wad, white0.wad, ocb.wad and awsome.wad SO EXPECT SOMENTHING OF HORRIBLE AND CREEPY!!!! Mwa aha aha ah ah.. a.... errr...
Credits: ID lol Family lol Insanity lol Doom Builder lol Counterstrike Texture Pack lol Bosses and Monster Resource Pack LOL other people i forgot to mention.... lol
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 13 days, i clashed DJShrimpy and his awsome.wad!!!!! (9 months from what i knew, urgh.. i'll do the same efficent thing in less time....)
Editor(s) used: XWE, Wintex 4.3, Paint and Internet for decorating works Doombuilder for map ZenNode for node (futile) building
Bugs: MAP19 slowly strongs my computer
Rating: (24 votes)
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