Title: The Quandary
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/quandary.zip
Size: 43.04 KB
Date: 01/15/15
Author: Sheridan Kane Rathbun
Description: A Doom II map inspired mostly by Sandy Petersen's city maps from the original game.
Credits: Nobody
Base: New from scratch
Build time: two days
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, XWE
Bugs: none
Rating: (8 votes)
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I agree with the first reviewer. This is an average Doom 2 map with some annoyances.x
A nice fun Doom II styled map. A shame it wasn't more challenging. In my opinion the only bad design decisions were 1) the monster blocking lines in the nukage tunnels which disabled the monsters for me and 2) choosing zdoom as the target source port for what is easily a vanilla compatible map (it only needs 4 zero tags setting). I had no problems with the maze (berzerked) or red key (thanks to the radsuit).x
This is a solid vanilla styled map. It's not as challenging as it may seem from the start but once you deal with hitscanners it's mostly plain sailing. There are a few quite bad design decision like maze with strobing light and it forces you to take damage to acquire red skull key. Ending is rather anticlimactic too. I got BFG but was afraid to use it as I had no ammo on other weapons and to my surprise I could just run past everyone. Play it.x

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