Title: bcs05.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/bcs05.zip
Size: 39.7 KB
Date: 03/20/95
Author: Brian and Craig Sparks
Description: bcs05.wad is a medium/large sized level with windows looking outside into open areas that are perfect for sniping your buddies from with the rocket launcher. There is a neat chasm that needs a catwalk to be raised before you can cross. There is a set of cascading patios with lifts that lower you down into a large outside courtyard that is full of ammo. Transporters are scattered about. There are several secret areas. All skill levels are supported and Ultra Violence can get a bit tough at times.
Base: Based off of DOOM I BCDEATH3 level.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deu 5.2 and WinDeu5.3
Bugs: None, please report any to: csparks@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
Rating: (2 votes)
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