Title: Cyber2.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/cyber2.zip
Size: 4.06 KB
Date: 03/20/97
Author: Daggis
Description: This is a single player level for Doom2. It's not very big but it's very cool playing it and quite difficult. You MUST kill all the enemies!!!
Credits: Me! ID software and Ben Morris for DCK v2.2
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 1 hour
Editor(s) used: Doom Construction Kit v2.2
Bugs: none...
Rating: (3 votes)
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It is 9 KB unzipped. You're stuck in a tower with windows you can open and there are 4 cyberdemons around you, which you're supposed to kill (though nothing happens after that). It is pretty easy, boring and pointless by modern standards and I imagine even in 1997 it wasn't particularly interesting.x
In this level you are trapped in a bunker surrounded by Cyberdemons. Since it's not set on a cyberdemon boss map, you cannot exit.x

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