Title: Dice's Dimension
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/dicedimn.zip
Size: 18.58 KB
Date: 12/28/04
Author: Stephen Plumb
Description: A straight forward single player level based around a large atrium. Not too big but will take a short while to complete. Plenty of the meatier bad guys to fight!
Credits: Pascal vd Heiden for Doom Builder (works like DEU but much friendlier). iD software, for DooM 1, 2 & of course 3.
Base: d around a large atrium. Not too big but will take a short while to complete. Plenty of the meatier bad guys to fight!
Build time: About three days
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: My texture alignment is never perfect, but it shouldn't be noticable whilst playing. If you're the kind of person who scours maps to find errors, you'll find quite a few textures that could have been fit better.
Rating: (7 votes)
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The layout is simple and basic. However, the map has a quite interesting 3-dimensional aspect since you're doing your work on different height levels. the emphasis is on gameplay here. The game is challenging from the first second on and you need to be alert all the time. Most fights are quite interesting, especially the Cyberdemon was a bit tricky. An avarage looking but short and furious map. 3/5 -Milianx
Damn Cyberdemon... ****x
Interesting gameplay, but you can't finish the level on UV because the yellow key is flagged incorrectly :-(x

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