Title: Quaked Deathmatch
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/p-r/qdm.zip
Size: 9.28 MB
Date: 11/28/09
Author: Conrad RDWS
Description: Quaked Deathmatch is a deathmatch-only project for gzdoom sourceport, designed in Quake/Unreal style but with own ideas, to give you a few hours of fun.

most needed commandline options:

-file .. - files to be used ingame. For example: -file qdm.pk3 qdmhires.pk3 warning: files from later loaded packs will owerwrite earlier loaded, if names are the same. qdmhires.pk3 is a hi resolution texture pack, included with main pk3

-host - starts server for online playing, for given number of players, waits until all slots connected before starting game. Not needed to play locally with bots. -join - connects to given ip

+deathmatch 1 - sets game to deathmatch mode +sv_cheats 1 - enables console codes +sv_weaponstay 1 - enables staying weapons +sv_itemrespawn 1 - enables item respawning during game

+map starts the game on choosen map if started as server or locally. maps available: QDDM01 - QDDM08

look http://zdoom.org/wiki/Command_line_parameters#Multiplayer_options for more options =)
Credits: Quake game for muse
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 year
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: None
Rating: (8 votes)
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The maps are horrendously cramped....and dark. The basic layouts wouldn't have very good gameplay if you were given elbow room either.x
nice multiplayer wad.. Oh, sorry, pk3 :) Pity that it can't be played on slow inet, but the weapon dynamics give a lot of drive even with bots!x
Some good concepts and nice new weapons, but the environments are a bit cramped and bland, with some architecture that you can get stuck on.x

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