Title: Hoboken.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/g-i/hoboken.zip
Size: 316.98 KB
Date: 06/06/95
Author: Mark Cooke
Description: I was sitting in SubWay Sandwiches when I looked at the wall, a map of New York and New Jersey was on it. One of the cities was called Hoboken, I thought "WOWOWOWWOWOWOO! what a cool name!" And so I give you this wad.
Credits: EPS - for his messed up rules and crazy jokes. Creators of avatar1 - I got the sky off them. Creators of mstie - I got some sounds.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 5 Hours
Editor(s) used: DEU, NWT, BSP
Bugs: None, tell me if so!
Rating: (3 votes)
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Not that great, confusing layout and a weird sky.x

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