Title: Hell's Core
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/hellcore.zip
Size: 105.44 KB
Date: 08/16/98
Author: (\/)&(\/) |\/|/\|\| Software
Description: A very fun and very large level in Hell. In Hell's Core it's all out Hell!
Credits: id Software, DCK 3.2, PSP, NWTPRO (tic)
Base: New WAD from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK 3.2, NWTPRO, PSP 3.0 and MIDI2MUS
Bugs: If you use IDCLIP and walk out of the tower without opening the door first, then there'll be enough HOM's to bring you to Hell! Don't cheat!
Rating: (4 votes)
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Not a good map but I'll give it *** just for the interesting start. -sargebaldyx

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