Title: Down the Drain
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/drn.zip
Size: 1.19 MB
Date: 12/04/21
Author: Benjogami
Description: Down the Drain is 32 vanilla maps for Doom 2 and is my take on a Hell on Earth replacement with no added assets except midis that I like and bad menu gfx. Difficulty settings, coop, and deathmatch are implemented.

DRN_MUS.wad contains new midis; you can choose not to load it if you prefer Doom 2's soundtrack.

The included .deh contains story and automap names, only necessary for ports without embedded DEHACKED support (Chocolate Doom, doom2.exe, etc).
Credits: Thanks to all those who have given feedback. Here's the list of folks who contributed feedback that lead to changes:

RC1: Archi, Bdubzzz, Ribbiks, and Scotty. RC2: BoxY, JohnSuitepee, msx2plus, Nikku4211, Nirvana, OpenRift, Vile, and THEBaratusII. Final: koren, Keyboard_Doomer and the TNS crew.

Special thanks to Xaser for fixing the Z_CheckHeap issue.

Thanks also to all the unknown midi creators who made these midis that I scrounged up from various corners of the internet.

Thanks to the Flaming Lips, who wisely advised that you can love your brain, even if it slips down the drain.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: UDB, GZDoomBuilder, SLADE, WhackEd4, MSPaint
Bugs: Intentional tutti frutti and ghost monsters, a softlock on MAP31, and probably some other stuff I knew about but forgot.
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