Title: Purple Rain
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/purplerain.zip
Size: 1.54 MB
Date: 11/27/21
Author: Arsinikk
Description: "Strange toxic purple slime has seeped its way into the core of the Earth. Will you find the source of this sludge or will you find more than you bargained for?"

Purple Rain is a short 5-10 minute single map that has been designed to work with Dehacked Vanilla Doom. The map has been throughly tested to make sure that none of the Vanilla Doom errors like VPOs and Savegame Buffer occur. The intended difficulty is Ultra-Violence but all skills are implemented (not sure if Nightmare/Fast is possible).

This is my first map that employs many fake 3d Vanilla Doom effects in addition to vanilla conveyors to showcase the actions that can be made in Vanilla Doom. The map consists of Plutonia-like traps and situations that can be deadly upon first playthrough. The map is made to be speedrun and done pacifist. There are elements of microslaughter in the map.

NOTE: If you are using PrBoom Plus / DSDA Doom, use software mode (Not OpenGL) or the new radiation suit colour will not work as intended.
Credits: Thanks to: - THEiF for both playtesting and being very supportive and awesome!

- TheNoob_Gamer, FrancisT218, GarrettChan, Vpurple Izumi, DavidN, and NinjaDelphox for playtesting and feedback!

- Danlex for letting me use his status bar from Lullaby (Thanks to Vphurple Izumi for widescreen version)

- Capellan, Sinshu, Noiser and maxmanium for helping me figure out Vanilla Doom shinanagans.

- Linguica for the giving me the idea of utilizing a vanilla conveyor like this one (https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/105364-did-you-know-you-can-make-a-voodoo-conveyor-belt-in-vanilla-doom/) but with my own tweaks to make it with barrels and work on the ITYTD skill.

- Jimmy for his critiquing of my original midis

Mapping Credits: - MAP01: Arsinikk

Graphic Credits: - Titlepic, M_Doom, Credits, font recolours by Arsinikk - Interpic by Evilneck

Music Credits: - TITLE: "Amethyst Heights Theme" - Arsinikk - MAP01: "Visceral Vices" - Arsinikk - INTERMISSION: "Statistic Beat" - Arsinikk - (Bonus) MAP02: "Toxic Groove (Demo)" - Arsinikk

Texture credits: - All new textures are by me - Includes textures from id Software (Doom 1 and Plutonia)

Sprite credits: - All sprites recoloured for new palette are by me, except: - Green (Purple with new palette) chaingunner skin by TheDarkArchon
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3-4 weeks
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade3, Adobe Photoshop, WhackEd4, Dehacked, Logic Pro, Sekaiju, Doom Word
Bugs: none (unless running any mod that changes voodoo dolls or the radius of barrel explosions)
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