Title: I.S.M. - Incredible Shrinking Marine...
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/symoism.zip
Size: 115.01 KB
Date: 04/21/03
Author: Symo Storr (C) 1996
Description: A report has been sent to you revealing the location of one the Icon's many homes. You will be beamed into a nearby office thought to be a cover for demonic goings on. There are rumours that the Icon is in fact man-sized and uses machinery in this house to change to it's size to the more 'well-known' bulk. It would be nice if you could find this machine and trash it (have a go in it first if you find it.. go on!) Good luck. Beware that this level is a paradox! And don't be too greedy at the end!!

New graphics created / modified on an Acorn RISC PC and converted to BMP's using !ChangeFSI and !ToBMP software.
Credits: Mr Odessa for the transparencies hanging from the ceiling idea. If you haven't got any of the Odessa series, get them now! Also, 'I Anubis' is nice. Bloke who wrote !ToBMP/!FromBMP. Ben Hell for testing.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About a week on & off
Editor(s) used: DeeP 7.11 & deepbsp for map + nodes, RMB21 for reject map, (use one people, not all of us have pentia (yet)) Acorn !Paint, !ChangeFSI & DA's Picture for gfx. !FromBMP, !ToBMP for gfx conversion, DEUTEX for gfx inclusion
Bugs: A weird one. The green torches RAISE when you 'figure out' the first room (!?). Later on they come back!
Rating: (19 votes)
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