Title: Disposed Raw
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/tnt_hl.zip
Size: 147.74 KB
Date: 12/10/22
Author: Gothic
Description: An attempt at mixing Residue Processing from Half Life with Habitat from TNT Evilution, had the idea after watching Dario Casali's gameplay video. Go check his channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Dario.Casali
Credits: Dario Casali and n3onkn1ght for giving me this awful idea, Valve obviously, Christopher Buteau and Team TNT.
Base: Based on Residue Processing from Half Life, and Habitat from TNT Evilution
Build time: 1 week
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade3
Bugs: Buzzsaw traps may kill you even if you have above 100 health, this may be due to voodoo dolls not getting the extra health you get, or something. This doesn't happen on advanced source ports like GZDoom
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