Title: Nice
Filename: levels/heretic/m-o/nice.zip
Size: 136.55 KB
Date: 04/01/97
Author: Jose Luis Gallardo
Description: A nice PWAD good for single player, cooperative and DeathMatch. There is some extra stuff in multiplayer mode. In DeathMatch there are some locked ways, so the fighting arena gets smaller, that's nice for DeathMatching (this level is huge, you know).
Build time: About 20+ hours, included testing.
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, VNB, DeuTex, DCK (I know, some of these editors are DOOM editors, but they work properly with Heretic), and a couple of utilities I programmed myself: JOSED & PCX2LMP. Have a look at the end of this file if you want to know how I managed to make DOOM editors work with Heretic.
Bugs: none
Rating: (1 vote)
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"Nice" wad to go through, but it looks odd from the texture choice and some lighting effects. 2/5. ~Naanx

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