Title: HONK DOOM 1
Filename: sounds/honk.zip
Size: 212.12 KB
Date: 11/28/96
Author: Craig Ludlow & David Drake
Description: Some really weird sounds a friend and I threw together one night, playing with dmaud.
Credits: Cosby for writing this jokes
Base: On Dagobah
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DMAUD and Windows Sound Recorder
Bugs: a few beetles....... ROACH
Rating: (2 votes)
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LOL, the review above made me laugh my ass off. These sounds are pretty bad..x
Replaces the weapon sounds with the author's own voice. Like all the other voice-as-sound-effec t wads the author is revealed to be a whiny young white North American boy. Also, I have a vision of this person hunched in front of his computer, saying "boom!" into a microphone over and over again, and that appals me.x

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