Title: Spooky Caves
Filename: themes/terrywads/scaves.zip
Size: 9.56 MB
Date: 01/01/14
Author: MatthewDoomer
Description: This is a single player map. It takes place at night, and i reccomend playing with opengl. It looks crappy in software mode. I also recommend using the automap. You'll never find your way out without it.

I tried to release this on Halloween, but unfortunately, it just wasn't finished. It is now done.

------------------------- --------SO ENJOY--------- -------------------------
Credits: ST coders, GZDOOMbuilder coders, Splinter Cell for the music. Some dude for the smooth weapons.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A month and a half
Editor(s) used: GZdoombuilder, Slade3, XWE
Bugs: You can't see anything on software mode in some parts
Rating: (24 votes)
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