Title: Tales of the UAC
Filename: themes/terrywads/uactales.zip
Size: 71.99 KB
Date: 05/05/14
Author: Chelsea Roberts
Description: Just 2 maps of scripted vanilla goodness!

I spent quite some time making these maps checking for bugs, detailing, etc. So it should be good for most people.
Credits: Doom creators
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 Months
Editor(s) used: DB, Slade 3, and Audacity
Bugs: I don't know of any
Rating: (7 votes)
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>Scripted >Vanilla Hehx
>Scripted Vanilla >Goodness Err... Yeah. Sure.x
X - Part 1 : The First Brood with some resources and copypasted text lumps removed. and. The sound effect "ASSYDICK" was removed and the script called to play it remains, an error message appears as a result. Music and sound effects were also swapped, and the Gradius track is a lot worse than the System Shock track that was in there before it.x

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