Title: Gothic Windows
Filename: utils/misc/gothwin.zip
Size: 283.8 KB
Date: 08/17/96
Author: Nick Giles
Description: Gothic Windows is a program for those who are addicted to Doom,(the reason I wrote this may indicate my passion for Doom!) For those of you who do not feel at rest unless they feel the touch of the fire key and the gentle sound of demons being toasted alive! However, in Windows, these comforts are deied from you! Or so you think! Now things have changed, for the better? Demons in Windows? Yes! Of cousre! Why not? This little, (an I mean little, it took about 1/2 an hour to write!) program will bring the Doom environment to YOU! So whilst you are typing away in Word or calculating in Excel, you can have all the home comforts of Doom! Every so often a Doom demon will be heard, to accompanie you through those hard, long Spanish homeworks, (ta very much Mrs. Mitchell!)
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19 years later and Nick still did not release version where baddies can shoot at me. Get you shit together, Nick! Are you trying to outmordeth Mordeth or something?x
This is stupid but has its charm. 19 years later, it's still working! :D I don't think it does on x64 systems though...x

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