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The /newstuff Chronicles #455

jmickle66666666 on Ultimate Doom 2 : Dead Anomaly: I don't think anyone but Fellowzdoomer could ever think "Dead Simple would be way better with barons instead" [...] I have to admit it is pretty flawless. [...] I don't mean the "standard" definition of flaws, such as terribly aligned textures. Basically no gameplay, the sky texture being used on a wall, terrible item placement, the appearance of being created in 1994, and many many more; this is MORE than that. It transcends criticism in ways that people have been striving for for years. (more)

3DGE 1.36 released

The 3DGE source port, the successor to EDGE, has just released version 1.36 Final of the engine. It brings features such as MD3 model support, Splitscreen multiplayer, limited Heretic support, minor DDF tweaks, two additional ACTION buttons, general bugfixes and slight improvements. It can be downloaded via the Sourceforge site.