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Archvile will it work well?

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Here's something i hope ID can fix, i thought the archvile was the greatest and most annoying monster in Doom, it restored any monsters it touched to full in seconds (but i noticed the more it restored the weaker its health got.)

But in quake 2, the medic was ment to do the same but i barely EVER saw it do jack, so do you think the archvile will be better than the original, and is it going to have the same attack with infinite range?

(Remember this topic is just a guessing topic, since ID are being tight fisted and keeping hsh hsh.)

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The more monsters it revives, the greater the chance that it will be caught in the crossfire (especially in cramped areas). As a result, it will seem like it's getting weaker whever it revives something. The most annoying thing about the Arch-Vile (besides that insanely powerful attack of his) is the ability to make ghosts (no clipping, near-invincible monsters that come from crushed enemies).

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Lectrix said:

But in quake 2, the medic was ment to do the same but i barely EVER saw it do jack,

Maybe because there were so few bodies lying around compared to a typical Doom game?

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Yeah the poor Medic can not repair his fellow Stroggs when they are reduced to gibs...

But the Archvile is like a elite necromancer, much more powerful then the Q2 Medic. But I didn´t knew the original Archvile could create no-clipping "ghosts"? Was that a bug or intended?

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Tetzlaff said:

But I didn´t knew the original Archvile could create no-clipping "ghosts"? Was that a bug or intended?

Yea I was wondering the same thing.

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It's a bug, but some people have used that in maps intentionally. It happens whenever Arch-Viles attempt to revive monsters that have been crushed by a crusher or a dead monster squished by a door.

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What I'm wondering is what monsters the Arch-Vile is allowed to bring back, or if it's limited like it was on Doom II and such.

Also, I think it would be neato if on multi player or single player, if the Arch-Vile could ressurect fallen Comrades or Marines, like players who just died or some bodies just on the ground, that'd be neato. But perhaps a bit much. :D

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DOOM Anomaly said:
Also, I think it would be neato if on multi player or single player, if the Arch-Vile could ressurect fallen Comrades or Marines, like players who just died or some bodies just on the ground, that'd be neato. But perhaps a bit much. :D

In single player? It would be like "I give you life... oh shit! Shoot him, not me!". However, if it could ressurect comrades or marines to fight against you, then there could be some cool moments.

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DOOM Anomaly said:

What I'm wondering is what monsters the Arch-Vile is allowed to bring back, or if it's limited like it was on Doom II and such.

IIRC, the only bad guys that the Archie couldn't bring back were the CyberDemon, Spider Mastermind, and other dead Archviles.

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Meh, archviles still scare me today if I'm not playing with God Mode on, but that's rare. I gotta start Dooming again.

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DooMBoy said:

IIRC, the only bad guys that the Archie couldn't bring back were the CyberDemon, Spider Mastermind, and other dead Archviles.

That is what I had implemented. ;)

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