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Clinton cleans house

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Heh, Clinton is probably the greatest orator of our time. I always wondered how he won the presidency in 1992. The country had been strongly conservative and Republican before him, with landslide elections going over to the Republican side. Somehow he was able to sway public opinion and get the vote. Well, for the longest tiem I couldn't figure it out (an/or summed it up to Perot "stealing" votes).

Then one day when the 2004 elections were going on they ran the Bush/Clinton/Perot town hall debate from 92 and I realised the reason why. Clinton was the most convincing person I've ever seen talk. He made you feel like he was talking right to you and that everything he said was agreeable. It was amazing really. For that matter, Perot put up a pretty good argument too. Bush had nothing on the other two, seemingly relying soley on being part of the old guard to win.

So yeah...Clinton = teh pwn.

He also was more effective at counter-terrorism than Bush is. There were all kinds of successful operations during his presidency that you never heard of because they delt with them quickly and quietly. There was none of this fearmongering and constant terror alerts that the current administation is so hot on. He also set up some awesome anti-terrorism plans which could have quite possibly prevented 9/11. Unfortunately he left it up to Bush to get them going into motion since he was on his way out anyway. The Bush administation just sat on them until 9/11 then suddenly sprang into retroactive action.

Not saying CLinton was a great president (I thought he was way too pro-globalism and too warmongering), but he had many qualities that put him well above our current incumbant.

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"...And you're sitting there with your little smirk, thinking you're so clever..."
I almost peed myself. Wacky, make a YTMND.

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Of course you all know this is setup for his wifey-poo's inevitable presidential campaign :P He has to make amends for the whole Monica thing.

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I always wondered, so I figure this is a good a time to ask as any. Who the hell really cares anyway? Except for the pristine right that lives for that kind of shit, even though they all do it themselves cause they are all perverts.

I can't recall any such scandals in Sweden. Which most likely because noone think it has anything to do with how you take care of the country.

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Only America would think a quick BJ would interfere with a mans ruling ability. Actually its Americas belief that someone with such disintegrable family values can't controlled a nation. Which is extremely funny because most people who believe this probably cheated on their spouse?

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Ralphis said:
The president is supposed to be a role model

In a way, but then if they are the "Commander in Chief" of the Armed Forces, why aren't they in the forefront of battle, shouldering a rocket launcher, as a valiant model for all soldiers?

A president is a man (or more rarely a woman) and at best is a role model for other presidents, not soldiers, husbands, chess players, scientists, golf players, priests, stock market experts, acrobats, atheists, gays, nurses, autists, comedians, and so on. Sincerity and honesty should be demanded, but dwelling strongly on private or unrelated qualities of a president is a waste of time (both the nation's and the president's), at best.

I've never favored the presidential family thing for this reason; it's the president of a democratic nation, not part of a pompous royal family.

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I'm sort of tired and might feel like getting into this more later but I was referring more to youths than adults

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Ralphis said:

The president is supposed to be a role model

A guy who could get his girlfriend to use cigars on herself and then sit there in the oval office, possibly with those same cigars on his desk, possibly offering them to other world leaders and then laughing his ass off when the other leaders left is role model enough for me. :)

IMO, the only real mistake he made was lying about the ML thing. If he'd just said "yup, she gave me head, wotcha gonna do about it?" ...well perhaps things may have been a bit different.

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Enjay said:
IMO, the only real mistake he made was lying about the ML thing. If he'd just said "yup, she gave me head, wotcha gonna do about it?" ...well perhaps things may have been a bit different.

Aw man. that would have been awsome!

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kristus said:

Who the hell really cares anyway?

Well, not me, but I think Hillary might have :P It certainly did serve as something of a catalyst in her quest to become Queen of the Amazons.

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I think that's important to note, most Americans DIDN'T care at the time, and even less care about it NOW. Well over 2/3 of US citizens didn't care about the Monica Lewinski incident. So your question who cared? Newt Gingrich and conservatives in the senate who were still pissed about Richard Nixon.

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Speaking of which, did you know that Newt Gingrich once had an actual Newt lodged in his Gingrich?

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The daily show's reaction. (humor is key in all politics. :p)

And Olbermann's reaction (I'm not sure who he is, but he's obviously biased towards the liberals. He makes a strong argument though. A bit over the top, but still good.)

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Ralphis said:

The president is supposed to be a role model

If you can rule a nation well WHILE getting action on the side, you're a role model.

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