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How do you call your saved games?

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Mostly I bother writing down the PWAD used and a short assessment of the situation, but most of the time I just lack tact.

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Usually, I start from the LAST slot (to make it much harder to accidently erase progress, especially if someone else saves), and usually, it's something like "My own shit", or "someone else's shit".

Nothing fancy.

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I rarely make savegames that I plan on keeping for any length of time. in fact, I don't think that I have ever made save games that I plan on keeping. So, if I need a save, I just pick a name at random ("Mook" seems to come up a lot for some reason)and use that. Periodically I delete all my saves.

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I always just name my saved games "Dan". If I need multiple ones it goes Dan01, Dan02, Dan03, etc. In Sierra adventure games I often name it after the last accomplishment completed.

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Running Boom or a fork like PrBoom-Plus or Eternity Engine I keep PWADs in their own folders and use the -save command in my batch file.

For instance "boom.exe -save av -file av\av.wad -deh av/av.deh"

slot1 is my quick save if I have to leave in a hurry or want to save just before trying something really stupid so I just call it "MID" for mid level. Otherwise I simply name the save after the level number of the level I just reached before I quit... i.e. whatever numbers you would have to press after idclev to get there like 02,14,28 for DoomII and 12,24,38,45 for Ult Doom. If my saves are mixed then I would use an abbreviation like "av05" or "cc07" or "tvr30" or something.

Sometimes I'll name the save for the weird bug or glitch I found like when an Archy glued himself to a former human sergeant while I was playing PrBoom-Plus complevel 7 for Boom's Compatibility Mode.

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I name it after the particular wad/wads Im playing. For example: DV2+AlandoGuns, AlienVendetta, MY_WAD01 ... etc.

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Usually just "Bashe" or something like that

Now, my One Must Fall scoreboard...don't even get me started!

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In FPS games, I use one savegame slot and name it Pavera. In games like Fallout, I save in a different slot everytime and call it Pavera01, Pavera02, Pavera03, etc...

In RTS games, I save at the beginning of each mission and name it according to the faction and the mission number (i.e. GDI Mission03).

In ZDoom, I name my save after the wad I'm playing if its a megawad, and I just save it as Doom if its a single level wad or something I don't know the name of/don't care about that much.

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" Quicksave" (with a space so it's always at the top) and the others are the wad name.

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Doom is the only game where I name my save game based on what wads I am playing with. So if I was playing Alien Vendetta with no mods, my save would be AV, and if I was playing a mod, it would be ModName-AV. In other games, I use "Snarboo" for games that allow me to name my save.

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Before I moved out I used to share my computer with my siblings, so it wasn't uncommon to see savegames named after our nicks+number in any game that doesn't feature separate profiles. For our sanity's sake, anyone could fire up a game and use the quicksave slot because the last person playing had saved separately on exit.

Now I just go with 'ASDx' and 'shitx'. Shit denotes low health saves or mid-gunfight instances were I know a grenade could blow up next to me in the next frame.

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Pretty much always "Andrew1" followed by "backup". Those are pretty much the only two save game names I've ever used.

When I was younger, though, I would try to play one Doom or Doom 2 level per day on Ultra Violence, so I also had a "Level a day" save that I just kept reusing.

What's funny is that even though I keep using the same name over and over, I dislike it when a game won't let me name a saved game.

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Hmm, strangely enough i used to type the name of the wad, but do it hurriedly and mis-typed a letter or two. Then i started doing it on purpose.

At the moment i don't play very much, so i just save over old files with names that i can't remember being very important (ie progress on big wads i want to finish one day, though i'll be more likely to just start them again, like Genesis Of Descent, for instance)

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When playing games at my computers, usually saves with the game itself (no mods) is just my name. With mods, I usually just use the title of the mod or a silly corruption of it. If I have more under one title, I append roman numerals to the end. I don't know why I never use normal numbers but it's always habit to type II instead of 2. A few times I'll use something else releated to the level or situation, which is not dependant on wether I have mods loaded or not.

At school though, I would usually make a reference to how I'm playing the game at school :P

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to save inbetween map progress, i use wad name and level number (oh yeah!)
i have two or three temporary slots for saving situations (like, for probing a trap or trying some fancy trick). they start with the name 'temp'. then it goes tempw. tempww. tempwwdw. tempwwdwaw. apparently, i'm mashing the wasd keys too early, but i'm not sure why.

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Whatever wad I play, and depending on how I play, it may have a modifier tacked on the end.

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usually the name of the pwad, plus a letter sequence if i'm using multiple save files within the one level, or a numerical sequence if there are multiple levels within the pwad. eg:

REMAIN1 03B (second save in remain1 map03)
MM 07 (only save on memento mori map07)

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If it's a map I'm making, the savefile is named "Test slot" but I name savegames after megawads by their filenames. With Oblige megawads, I either name them "OB###" or "Oblige ###" where ### is the version number of the program.

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whatever dumb word or phrase is currently sitting in my head at the time, often something from a lame internet meme.

In RPGs like Fallout I get a little bit more creative: I tend to name my characters in terrible puns based on what their chief traits are. for example, 'Rob' is a complete kleptomaniac, and his save games tend to be things like "short for Robert you know." A favorite of mine is a female warrior characters called 'Beath' who's just a little to fond of killing. She gets save games called things like "Beath rides a horse" and "Beath-incarnate"

The children are right to laugh at me :(


Zaldron said:
Shit denotes low health saves or mid-gunfight instances were I know a grenade could blow up next to me in the next frame.

This as well.

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Wad name, map number (if it's a multi-map wad) and save number - or quicksave if I suspect I'm about to do something stupid.

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