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Doom on Ipod need help!

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Hello, I have a 30gb ipod, and i was wondering if someone could tell me how to install freedoom on it, i have rockbox, and on the rockbox website it says you can download freedoom on it, but it doesnt tell you how. and on rockbox it also has instruction on a different doom installation: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginDoom
but i do not understand the instructions whatsoever. i am not that smart with these things, so it would be very helpful if someone explain either freedoom, or rockdoom. THANX

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Wait... Doom works on iPods now???
Unless someone here knows of this, it would be hard for us to help you here, I suggest you go to their forums or something and ask, or something like that. If you can't do that, at least give some more info, because we can't help without more info... like for instance: Directories you installed in, anything you think might be it, have you gotten anything else to work, how far did the program boot (did it come up wit an error message? if so what?), etc. stuff like that.

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I got it to work a while back when it came out, i dont remember it being as easy as creating a folder for a wad that the plugin reads, but it is eaiser then when i got ipod linux working on my ipod mini.

while i havent actually tried it with freedoom (just vanilla doom on ipod), you should be able to just replace doom2.wad with the freedoom one, which overwrites it. Then load up doom 2 and it should work (since that port is prboom).

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The following assumes you have Rockbox installed, are using Windows, and the drive letter assigned to your iPod is F: (replace with the real letter if it's different):

  1. Download rockdoom.wad.
  2. Download freedoom-iwad-0.5.zip and extract doom2.wad from it.
  3. Navigate to F:\.rockbox (the period before "rockbox" is important), and create a new folder there called "doom" (all lowercase).
  4. Copy rockbox.wad (from step 1) and doom2.wad (from step 2) to F:\.rockbox\doom (the newly created folder).
  5. Disconnect the iPod and restart it. Use its controls to select the Plugins menu, then start the doom plugin.
  6. This will show the Rockdoom menu -- see the plugin page for how to use it...
(I don't have an iPod, but am running Rockbox on a Sandisk Sansa. I also installed Doom II instead of Freedoom, but otherwise I think all the steps should be the same.)

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