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Need help with compiling BFG Edition source

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I'm trying to compile the BFG Edition source code but it fails. I've followed the intructions in the readme, installed MS Visual C++ Express 2010, DirectX SDK June 2010, opened up doom3.sln and started building. This is the error log:

1>------ Build started: Project: doomclassic, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
2>------ Build started: Project: external, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
3>------ Build started: Project: idLib, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
4>------ Build started: Project: Game-d3xp, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
5>------ Build started: Project: timidity, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
6>------ Build started: Project: amplitude, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
4> precompiled.cpp
3> precompiled.cpp
2>cl : Command line warning D9030: '/Gm' is incompatible with multiprocessing; ignoring /MP switch
1> am_map.cpp
5> common.cpp
5> controls.cpp
5> filter.cpp
5> instrum.cpp
5> mix.cpp
5> output.cpp
5> playmidi.cpp
5> readmidi.cpp
1> doominterface.cpp
1> doomlib.cpp
1> dstrings.cpp
1> d_items.cpp
1> d_main.cpp
1> d_net.cpp
1> f_finale.cpp
2> zutil.c
6> amplitude.cpp
2> uncompr.c
2> trees.c
2> inftrees.c
5> resample.cpp
2> inflate.c
2> inffast.c
2> infback.c
2> gzio.c
5> sdl_a.cpp
5> sdl_c.cpp
5> tables.cpp
5> timidity.cpp
2> deflate.c
2> crc32.c
2> compress.c
2> adler32.c
2> Generating Code...
2>cl : Command line warning D9030: '/Gm' is incompatible with multiprocessing; ignoring /MP switch
2> jutils.cpp
2> jquant2.cpp
2> jquant1.cpp
2> jmemnobs.cpp
2> jmemmgr.cpp
2> jidctred.cpp
2> jidctint.cpp
2> jidctfst.cpp
2> jidctflt.cpp
2> jfdctint.cpp
2> jfdctfst.cpp
6> amplitude.vcxproj -> C:\Users\John\Downloads\DOOM-3-BFG-master\neo\amplitude\Debug\amplitude.exe
2> jfdctflt.cpp
2> jerror.cpp
2> jdtrans.cpp
2> jdsample.cpp
2> jdpostct.cpp
2> jdphuff.cpp
2> jdmerge.cpp
2> jdmaster.cpp
2> jdmarker.cpp
2> Generating Code...
2> Compiling...
2> jdmainct.cpp
2> jdinput.cpp
1> f_wipe.cpp
1> globaldata.cpp
1> g_game.cpp
2> jdhuff.cpp
1> hu_lib.cpp
1> hu_stuff.cpp
2> jddctmgr.cpp
2> jdcolor.cpp
2> jdcoefct.cpp
2> jdatasrc.cpp
2> jdatadst.cpp
2> jdapistd.cpp
2> jdapimin.cpp
2> jcsample.cpp
2> jcprepct.cpp
5> timidity.vcxproj -> C:\Users\John\Downloads\DOOM-3-BFG-master\neo\..\build\Win32\Debug\timidity.lib
2> jcphuff.cpp
3> Bounds.cpp
3> Box.cpp
3> Sphere.cpp
3> CommandLink.cpp
3> HashIndex.cpp
3> DrawVert.cpp
3> JointTransform.cpp
3> Surface.cpp
2> jcparam.cpp
4> Achievements.cpp
4> AimAssist.cpp
4> AAS.cpp
4> AAS_debug.cpp
4> AAS_pathing.cpp
4> AAS_routing.cpp
4> AI.cpp
4> AI_events.cpp
3> Surface_Patch.cpp
3> Surface_Polytope.cpp
3> Surface_SweptSpline.cpp
3> TraceModel.cpp
3> Winding.cpp
2> jcomapi.cpp
4> AI_pathing.cpp
3> Winding2D.cpp
2> jcmaster.cpp
3> CRC32.cpp
3> MD4.cpp
3> MD5.cpp
3> Angles.cpp
4> AI_Vagary.cpp
3> Complex.cpp
3> Lcp.cpp
3> Math.cpp
3> Matrix.cpp
3> MatX.cpp
2> jcmarker.cpp
3> Ode.cpp
3> Plane.cpp
3> Pluecker.cpp
3> Polynomial.cpp
3> Quat.cpp
3> Rotation.cpp
3> Simd.cpp
2> jcmainct.cpp
3> Simd_Generic.cpp
3> Simd_SSE.cpp
3> Vector.cpp
3> Base64.cpp
3> CmdArgs.cpp
3> Lexer.cpp
3> VecX.cpp
3> ParallelJobList.cpp
2> jcinit.cpp
3> Parser.cpp
3> RectAllocator.cpp
3> Str.cpp
3> sys_assert.cpp
2> jchuff.cpp
3> win_thread.cpp
3> Thread.cpp
3> Token.cpp
3> BitMsg.cpp
3> Dict.cpp
2> Generating Code...
3> Heap.cpp
3> LangDict.cpp
3> Lib.cpp
3> MapFile.cpp
3> Timer.cpp
2> Compiling...
2> jcdctmgr.cpp
2> jccolor.cpp
2> jccoefct.cpp
2> jcapimin.cpp
2> Generating Code...
4> Anim.cpp
3> RenderMatrix.cpp
3> SoftwareCache.cpp
4> Anim_Blend.cpp
4> Anim_Testmodel.cpp
4> Class.cpp
4> Event.cpp
1> info.cpp
4> SaveGame.cpp
4> SysCmds.cpp
1> i_input.cpp
1> i_net_win32.cpp
4> SysCvar.cpp
2> external.vcxproj -> C:\Users\John\Downloads\DOOM-3-BFG-master\neo\..\build\Win32\Debug\external.lib
3> idlib.vcxproj -> C:\Users\John\Downloads\DOOM-3-BFG-master\neo\..\build\Win32\Debug\idLib.lib
4> Leaderboards.cpp
4> MenuHandler.cpp
4> MenuHandler_HUD.cpp
4> MenuHandler_PDA.cpp
4> MenuHandler_Scoreboard.cpp
4> MenuHandler_Shell.cpp
4> MenuScreen.cpp
1> i_sound_win32.cpp
1> i_system.cpp
1> i_video_ps3.cpp
1> mus2midi.cpp
4> MenuScreen_HUD.cpp
4> MenuScreen_PDA_Inventory.cpp
4> MenuScreen_PDA_UserData.cpp
4> MenuScreen_PDA_UserEmails.cpp
4> MenuScreen_PDA_VideoDisks.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Scoreboard.cpp
1> m_argv.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Bindings.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Browser.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_ControllerLayout.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Controls.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Credits.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Dev.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Difficulty.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_GameLobby.cpp
1> m_bbox.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_GameOptions.cpp
1> m_cheat.cpp
1> m_fixed.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Gamepad.cpp
1> m_menu.cpp
1> m_misc.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Leaderboards.cpp
1> m_random.cpp
1> p_ceilng.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Load.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_MatchSettings.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_ModeSelect.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_NewGame.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_PartyLobby.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Pause.cpp
1> p_doors.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Playstation.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_PressStart.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Resolution.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Root.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Save.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Settings.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Singleplayer.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_Stereoscopics.cpp
4> MenuScreen_Shell_SystemOptions.cpp
4> MenuWidget.cpp
1> p_enemy.cpp
1> p_floor.cpp
4> MenuWidget_Button.cpp
4> MenuWidget_Carousel.cpp
1> p_inter.cpp
4> MenuWidget_CommandBar.cpp
4> MenuWidget_DynamicList.cpp
4> MenuWidget_Help.cpp
1> p_lights.cpp
1> p_map.cpp
4> MenuWidget_InfoBox.cpp
4> MenuWidget_ItemAssignment.cpp
4> MenuWidget_List.cpp
4> MenuWidget_LobbyList.cpp
4> MenuWidget_MenuBar.cpp
4> MenuWidget_NavBar.cpp
4> MenuWidget_NavButton.cpp
4> MenuWidget_PDA_AudioFiles.cpp
1> p_maputl.cpp
4> MenuWidget_PDA_EmailInbox.cpp
4> MenuWidget_PDA_Objective.cpp
4> MenuWidget_PDA_UserData.cpp
4> MenuWidget_PDA_VideoInfo.cpp
4> MenuWidget_Scrollbar.cpp
1> p_mobj.cpp
4> MenuWidget_Shell_SaveInfo.cpp
4> Clip.cpp
1> p_plats.cpp
4> Force.cpp
4> Force_Constant.cpp
4> Force_Drag.cpp
4> Force_Field.cpp
4> Force_Grab.cpp
4> Force_Spring.cpp
4> Physics.cpp
4> Physics_Actor.cpp
4> Physics_AF.cpp
4> Physics_Base.cpp
4> Physics_Monster.cpp
4> Physics_Parametric.cpp
4> Physics_Player.cpp
4> Physics_RigidBody.cpp
1> p_pspr.cpp
1> p_saveg.cpp
4> Physics_Static.cpp
4> Physics_StaticMulti.cpp
1> p_setup.cpp
4> Push.cpp
1> p_sight.cpp
1> p_spec.cpp
4> Script_Compiler.cpp
4> Script_Interpreter.cpp
4> Script_Program.cpp
1> p_switch.cpp
1> p_telept.cpp
4> Script_Thread.cpp
1> p_tick.cpp
4> Actor.cpp
4> AF.cpp
4> AFEntity.cpp
4> BrittleFracture.cpp
4> Camera.cpp
4> Entity.cpp
4> Fx.cpp
4> Game_local.cpp
4> Game_network.cpp
4> GameEdit.cpp
4> Grabber.cpp
4> IK.cpp
4> Item.cpp
4> Light.cpp
4> Misc.cpp
4> Moveable.cpp
4> Mover.cpp
4> MultiplayerGame.cpp
4> Player.cpp
4> PlayerIcon.cpp
4> PlayerView.cpp
4> Projectile.cpp
4> Pvs.cpp
4> SecurityCamera.cpp
4> SmokeParticles.cpp
4> Sound.cpp
4> Target.cpp
4> Trigger.cpp
4> Weapon.cpp
4> WorldSpawn.cpp
1> p_user.cpp
1> r_bsp.cpp
1> r_data.cpp
1> r_draw.cpp
1> r_main.cpp
1>c:\users\john\downloads\doom-3-bfg-master\doomclassic\doom\p_pspr.cpp(586): warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
1> r_plane.cpp
1> r_segs.cpp
1> r_sky.cpp
4> game-d3xp.vcxproj -> C:\Users\John\Downloads\DOOM-3-BFG-master\neo\..\build\Win32\Debug\Game-d3xp.lib
1>c:\users\john\downloads\doom-3-bfg-master\doomclassic\doom\p_user.cpp(210): warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
1>c:\users\john\downloads\doom-3-bfg-master\doomclassic\doom\r_bsp.cpp(295): warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
1>c:\users\john\downloads\doom-3-bfg-master\doomclassic\doom\r_bsp.cpp(435): warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
1>c:\users\john\downloads\doom-3-bfg-master\doomclassic\doom\r_main.cpp(315): warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
1>c:\users\john\downloads\doom-3-bfg-master\doomclassic\doom\r_segs.cpp(595): warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
1> r_things.cpp
1> sounds.cpp
1> st_lib.cpp
1> st_stuff.cpp
1> s_sound.cpp
1> tables.cpp
1> v_video.cpp
1> wi_stuff.cpp
1> w_wad.cpp
1> z_zone.cpp
1> doomclassic.vcxproj -> C:\Users\John\Downloads\DOOM-3-BFG-master\neo\..\build\Win32\Debug\doomclassic.lib
7>------ Build started: Project: Doom3BFG, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
7> precompiled.cpp
7> AASFile.cpp
7> AASFileManager.cpp
7> AASFile_optimize.cpp
7> AASFile_sample.cpp
7> CollisionModel_contacts.cpp
7> CollisionModel_contents.cpp
7> CollisionModel_debug.cpp
7> CollisionModel_files.cpp
7> CollisionModel_load.cpp
7> CollisionModel_rotate.cpp
7> CollisionModel_trace.cpp
7> CollisionModel_translate.cpp
7> CmdSystem.cpp
7> Common.cpp
7> Common_demos.cpp
7> Common_dialog.cpp
7> common_frame.cpp
7> Common_localize.cpp
7> Common_menu.cpp
7> Common_network.cpp
7> Common_printf.cpp
7> Common_load.cpp
7> Compressor.cpp
7> Console.cpp
7> ConsoleHistory.cpp
7> CVarSystem.cpp
7> DebugGraph.cpp
7> DeclAF.cpp
7> DeclEntityDef.cpp
7> DeclFX.cpp
7> DeclManager.cpp
7> DeclParticle.cpp
7> DeclPDA.cpp
7> DeclSkin.cpp
7> DeclTable.cpp
7> DemoFile.cpp
7> EditField.cpp
7> EventLoop.cpp
7> File.cpp
7> FileSystem.cpp
7> File_Manifest.cpp
7> File_Resource.cpp
7> File_SaveGame.cpp
7> KeyInput.cpp
7> PlayerProfile.cpp
7> TokenParser.cpp
7> Unzip.cpp
7> UsercmdGen.cpp
7> Zip.cpp
7> AutoRender.cpp
7> AutoRenderBink.cpp
7> BinaryImage.cpp
7> BufferObject.cpp
7> Cinematic.cpp
7> ColorSpace.cpp
7> DXTDecoder.cpp
7> DXTEncoder.cpp
7> DXTEncoder_SSE2.cpp
7> Font.cpp
7> GLMatrix.cpp
7> GuiModel.cpp
7> Image_files.cpp
7> ImageManager.cpp
7> Image_intrinsic.cpp
7> Image_load.cpp
7> Image_process.cpp
7> Image_program.cpp
7> Interaction.cpp
7> Material.cpp
7> Model.cpp
7> Model_ase.cpp
7> Model_beam.cpp
7> Model_liquid.cpp
7> Model_lwo.cpp
7> Model_ma.cpp
7> Model_md3.cpp
7> Model_md5.cpp
7> Model_prt.cpp
7> Model_sprite.cpp
7> ModelDecal.cpp
7> ModelManager.cpp
7> ModelOverlay.cpp
7> gl_GraphicsAPIWrapper.cpp
7> gl_image.cpp
7> gl_backend.cpp
7> RenderProgs.cpp
7> RenderProgs_GLSL.cpp
7> RenderWorld_defs.cpp
7> ResolutionScale.cpp
7> RenderEntity.cpp
7> RenderLog.cpp
7> RenderSystem.cpp
7> RenderSystem_init.cpp
7> RenderWorld.cpp
7> RenderWorld_demo.cpp
7> RenderWorld_load.cpp
7> RenderWorld_portals.cpp
7> ScreenRect.cpp
7> tr_backend_draw.cpp
7> tr_backend_rendertools.cpp
7> tr_frontend_addlights.cpp
7> tr_frontend_addmodels.cpp
7> tr_frontend_deform.cpp
7> tr_frontend_guisurf.cpp
7> tr_frontend_main.cpp
7> tr_frontend_subview.cpp
7> tr_trace.cpp
7> tr_trisurf.cpp
7> VertexCache.cpp
7> snd_emitter.cpp
7> snd_shader.cpp
7> snd_system.cpp
7> snd_world.cpp
7> SWF_Bitstream.cpp
7> SWF_Dictionary.cpp
7> SWF_Events.cpp
7> SWF_Image.cpp
7> SWF_Load.cpp
7> SWF_Main.cpp
7> SWF_Names.cpp
7> SWF_ParmList.cpp
7> SWF_PlaceObject.cpp
7> SWF_Render.cpp
7> SWF_ScriptFunction.cpp
7> SWF_ScriptObject.cpp
7> SWF_ScriptVar.cpp
7> SWF_ShapeParser.cpp
7> SWF_Shapes.cpp
7> SWF_Sounds.cpp
7> SWF_SpriteInstance.cpp
7> SWF_Sprites.cpp
7> SWF_Text.cpp
7> SWF_TextInstance.cpp
7> SWF_Zlib.cpp
7> LightweightCompression.cpp
7> PacketProcessor.cpp
7> Snapshot.cpp
7> SnapshotProcessor.cpp
7> Snapshot_Jobs.cpp
7> sys_achievements.cpp
7> sys_dedicated_server_search.cpp
7> sys_lobby.cpp
7> sys_lobby_backend_direct.cpp
7> sys_lobby_migrate.cpp
7> sys_lobby_snapshot.cpp
7> sys_lobby_users.cpp
7> sys_local.cpp
7> sys_localuser.cpp
7> sys_profile.cpp
7> sys_savegame.cpp
7> sys_session_callbacks.cpp
7> sys_session_local.cpp
7> sys_session_savegames.cpp
7> sys_signin.cpp
7> SoundVoice.cpp
7> WaveFile.cpp
7> XA2_SoundHardware.cpp
7> XA2_SoundSample.cpp
7> XA2_SoundVoice.cpp
7> sys_voicechat.cpp
7> win_achievements.cpp
7> win_cpu.cpp
7> win_glimp.cpp
7> win_input.cpp
7> win_localuser.cpp
7> win_main.cpp
7> win_net.cpp
7> win_qgl.cpp
7> win_savegame.cpp
7> win_session_local.cpp
7> win_shared.cpp
7> win_signin.cpp
7>sys\win32\win_shared.cpp(44): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'atlbase.h': No such file or directory
7> win_snd.cpp
7> win_syscon.cpp
7> win_taskkeyhook.cpp
7> win_wndproc.cpp
7> BindWindow.cpp
7> ChoiceWindow.cpp
7> DeviceContext.cpp
7> EditWindow.cpp
7> FieldWindow.cpp
7> GameBearShootWindow.cpp
7> GameBustOutWindow.cpp
7> GameSSDWindow.cpp
7> GuiScript.cpp
7> ListGUI.cpp
7> ListWindow.cpp
7> RegExp.cpp
7> RenderWindow.cpp
7> SimpleWindow.cpp
7> SliderWindow.cpp
7> UserInterface.cpp
7> Window.cpp
7> Winvar.cpp
========== Build: 6 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

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sys\win32\win_shared.cpp(44): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'atlbase.h': No such file or directory

this means something in the line of : file not found.

check if you have this file and its folders ;

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atlbase.h is part of the Active Template Library, which is part of MFC, neither of which are included with Visual Studio Express. You can either upgrade to Visual Studio Professional for the low-low cost of almost $1000, or you can modify the code to remove all dependencies on ATL and MFC.

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nice, somebody beat me to it.
i was thinking about the include file being part of the compiler package way after i posted my reply.

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Thanks for the suggestions, though I solved the problem by useing the RBDoom3BFG fork.

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