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   (3 reviews)
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About This File

This level has many effects never seen before and an INCREDIBLE ending! As well, there is a life-and-death GAME with a CYBERDEMON! I've also put in what's never been done before, a barred door that you can see everything through which opens by the floor lowering from the ceiling and lets bullets through but not rockets or plasma (too big to fit between the bars, of course!!) This level is my baby. I guarantee it WILL give you a rush. I am very serious.

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Unknown date

If this really was from 1994, its amount of detail surprises me. Not bad for the time it was made, although it does feel a bit cramped.

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Unknown date

It gets a star for the readme, which is demented. The level is actually from December 1994, at which time bit might have seemed novel. Nowadays it's very cramped and inconsequential, with a random design (gothic library / techbase etc). There's an odd effect with some reflective water, but the barred door the author is so proud is just a door. The momentum is killed by a dull puzzle with a cyberdemon where you have to press dozens of switches.

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Unknown date

umm, yeah, what he said, this is a precursor to the overdetailed maps... -z34chris

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