Text File
December 24 / 2000
(Small Update April 20 / 2003)
Title : The Vilecore
Filename : vilcore1.0.WAD
Author : Darren Finch A.K.A: Doom_Dude
Email Address : doom_dude@inbox.net / doomdude@globalkore.co
Web Site : http://megawad.newdoom.com/
Update Info : Fixed major bug in map30: Battle Hex. Bug effect was apparent when using the Doomsday (JDoom) port which hindered the players progress because of 'trigger close door' tags on a teleport destination that had trig tags of O. Thanx to Deathgiver for spotting it. :) Also ran the latest ZenNode over it to kill any graphical errors that did appear in some maps because I used DoomCad's crappy nodesbuilder on the original release. Also fixed map32: The Vilecore where you had to 'jump' into the alcove to get the key and jump back out again by making alcoves into platforms. The doors is also shootable from both sides now..
Misc. Author Info : This 32 level Megawad is my first completed editing project. It started
way back in May 99. Needless to say, I wasn't working on it steady for all this time, but I did spend a ton of hours putting it all together. On December 23rd of 2000 I laid the last linedef in Vilecore :)
Description : More DOOM II:
Special Thanks to : ID SOFTWARE for creating the best of games.
Thanx also to Matt Tagliaferri for Doomcad and Hank Leukart for writing the Doom Hackers Guide. Thanx to Phoebus for hosting my website. Thanks to Zack for helping me figure out how the "Donut" trigger works and reminding me exactly where the secret switches are in DooM II. Thanx to Don Incognito for making the deh file that replaces the DooM II map names, with my map names in the auto-map jobby. Thanx to Looney2ner for all sorts of stuff. Thanx to Stphrz for suggesting I get a website online to show people my megawad in progress. Thanx to my brother Kevin who brought home DooM.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : map01 to map 32
Single Player : Yes!
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes... (limited testing done in this area)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
DooM Port : Any Port Will Do. Runs fine in Legacy, ZDooM and JDoom and even under the original doom2.exe..
Deh file info : vilecore.deh, replaces the names in the auto-map.
To use this deh file, just select it after selecting the
vilecore1.0.wad in the Legacy launcher. This means, that
both vilcore1.0.wad and vilecore.deh should be in the same
dialog box. This file is not needed to play Vilecore
* Construction *
Base : 32 New levels from scratch
Editor(s) used : DoomCad 5.1 / DoomCad 6.1 / XWE for merging
Known Bugs : There might be some :p
Here are the map names for Vilecore:
Map 01: Evilzone
Map 02: Halls Of Doom
Map 03: Revenant Court
Map 04: Barriers
Map 05: Hellknight's Temple
Map 06: Powersurger
Map 07: Demonic Outpost
Map 08: Temple Of Fiends
Map 09: The Vile Complex
Map 10: Nukage Plant
Map 11: Doomcatraz
Map 12: The Chaos Site
Map 13: The Morbid arena
Map 14: The Baron's Causeway
Map 15: Ashwall Plaza
Map 16: The Dreadhold
Map 17: Aztecore
Map 18: Doomed Castle
Map 19: The Bridge at Kazadoom
Map 20: Forsaken Mines
Map 21: The Rife Hive
Map 22: Doomhenge
Map 23: Hellish Junction
Map 24: Chemical Facility
Map 25: Blood Fountain
Map 26: Hellpitt Temple
Map 27: Infested Tomb
Map 28: Energy Well
Map 29: Paths Of Chaos
Map 30: Battle Hex
Map 31: Bloodstone
Map 32: The Vilecore
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites:
BBS numbers: