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The Vilecore

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Daemonic Synergy


Good stuff. A very pleasant surprise. I stumbled upon this by chance. Someone mentioned it and I realized it was something I had not played before. I dove right in completely blind and I'm glad I did. Not too complex or overwhelming, but with enough action to keep you consistently engaged. Right up my alley.  

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· Edited by MuratMikal


Vilecore is a easy difficulty megawad with a lot of incidental combat and almost no traps, which I find interesting. When you get a key or press a switch nothing happens, unlike the vast majorities of megawad I've played. The monster count varies between 150 ~ 280 in all the maps and I haven't found any bad map throught the whole megawad. Some players won't like the incessant pursuit for switches to progress but I don't mind them as long they aren't confusing to figure out which is fortunately the case with this megawad. Doom_Dude did a great job with these maps and I would recommend for a beginner or intermediate skill player, as expert players could find this one boring due to low threat of death.

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Pretty Good Gameplay with Mods.

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Honestly, I dig this.

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Pretty average in my opinion, some levels are downright ugly while others are all right. MAP30 is not an Icon of Sin fight either >_>

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Bryan T

Very boring.

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· Edited by NuMetalManiak


Vilecore, a.k.a. the shining example of mediocre in megawad-making. you'll find nothing here that can truly be hateful, but there's just about nothing that stands out at all in this megawad. basically, you run through it, fighting off combat that is actually quite fun and doing the occasional search, backtrack, key grab, secret grab, whatever. nothing stands out at all here. because I'm more into gameplay rather than graphics, that's why I give it a better score, and I still recommend it since the visuals aren't everything. it sort of reminds me of Illuminatus, another wad that's similarly mediocre, but the backtracking here isn't as excessive.

I guess if there's one map to note, it's MAP15, because for some reason, one of the switches doesn't work (at least in ZDoom).

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great game

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Nothing too special, still a great Wad to play, it could be more challenging though if the author placed more difficult monsters instead of just small packs of imps and hit scanners, and ammo is way too much overstocked, i personaly don't like to play a Wad where you run with max ammo for every weapon all the time, but thats my humble opinion, still its worth to check out 3/5 -Archy-

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There is nothing terrible about this set of levels, but everything felt below average. The texturing was mentioned earlier, but the combat (countless one monster imp/sargeant/spectre groups) and design (rectangular rooms connected arbitrarily with narrow hallways for awkward backtracking, with almost every secret indicated by a slightly misaligned brown/grey texture) were more of a problem. Two stars for overall quality, one extra star for not ending level 30 with an Icon of Shit.

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^ That's because Doom_Dude is still working on the sequel, you goofy goober. In any event, I liked the megaWAD. Visuals are meh but I didn't really grow tired of the gameplay. Do hope Doom_Dude posts some news/updates regarding Vilecore 2 though.

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I like the brown one with corridors, empty rooms and stock Doom 2 music. The design brief must have been "use no detail and no more than three textures in the entire wad". I actually loved playing through this back in the days of splitscreen Legacy co-op, but Vilecore has aged very poorly. 2* for the 1-man effort, 1* for the memories, but this came out 5 years after Requiem and around a year after Alien Vendetta. The sequel never materialised. Of historical interest only. Sorry!

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Unknown date

Nice oldskool megawad. 5/5 Eternal(aka Deadall)

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Unknown date

Not bad. While the maps may seem visually bland or monotonous at first sight, they're not that bad looking and they're mostly good to play. Gameplay is a bit easy but fun. Maybe less ammo in some places would have helped. The main flaw is that some maps trap you in places if you don't do what's expected (the start of map30, for example) and there are a bit too many inescapable damaging pits. Map23 can break vanilla due to a bad tag. [3/5] ~Chain Mail (08/2012)

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Unknown date

Great megaWAD

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Unknown date

Nice WAD. big, cool, and full of archies. 5/5-- (I am Moti_The~Doom but I transform my NickName)

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Unknown date

My main gripe is that nothing really distinguishes any given map from the others. They're all just random arrangements of rectangular rooms with slightly different texture themes for each map. And the traps get really boring after a while. It reminds me of some of my first attempts at making megawads when I was newer to mapping. Still not too bad though, especially not for '00 to '03 era. I give it 3/5. -Aenima.

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Unknown date

must spiritless maps what I ever played... **

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Unknown date

This map sucks!

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Unknown date

Dull architecture, decent gameplay. If VC2.0 ever is done, I'll bet it'll be great.

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Unknown date

cool with mod Laser

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Unknown date

A little boring. not horrible, but i would not replace doom with this wad. 2/5

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Unknown date

A good one-man megawad. Difficulty (never very high) and quality are a bit uneven, but there is decent gameplay throughout, and many of the maps are pretty cool. Map28 seems especially memorable to me, for some reason.

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Unknown date

Honestly not very good. A megawad is a lot of work for one person, and conceptually this feels like it was rushed to meet a deadline. Bland and boring but not terrible.

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Unknown date

0/10 Not Worth it!

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  • File Reviews

    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      While I love the idea and how it's executed, I feel like it's made me appreciate big maps more!   Don't get me wrong, there are maps that are incredible! Especially those from episode 4!! But the idea of only having a few weapons and not having space to move, I don't like it, it's a bit doom-like and claustrophobic.   But other than that, it's good.
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      This has been one of the wads that has entertained me the most in recent times, although it does not stand out in almost any aspect, it does everything relatively well!   Includes 1 custom enemy, good level design, although I won't deny It includes 1 custom enemy, a good level design, although I won't deny that I've gotten lost sometimes... Only because I'm terrible at the game and because of that it took me around 7 hours to complete. (I'm VERY bad)   Oh, and I LOVE the stairs in this wad, THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL WHEN THEY ARE BUILT IN YOUR FACE
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      I'm not a big fan of having so many enemies thrown at you (especially if they're Hitscanners) and having to rely on luck of not getting hit to survive.   However... The aesthetics, the retro music that transports me to a time that (I at least) have not lived and it has a very good placement of enemies despite as I already said Sin from time to time by spamming enemies in their faces because it can.   I think my favorite is the ending, but not because of the number of enemies (which is... Too many) but because it has that beautiful, recognizable 80s retro music (I just don't remember the name).   The 2 enemies it adds are interesting and change the dynamics of the hitscanners a bit, lucky me.   Thats everything!
    • By DJVCardMaster · Posted
      Yes, those are maps made by me a long time ago, but someone uploaded it without my permission to idgames, and used my ZDaemon tag as Author. Probably people from the GL clan, I've never bothered to ask idgames to remove it tho'.

      I've recycled some maps from this mapset for The Ultimate Twango, with better gameplay and Vanilla compat, you can check those, I swear those are ten times better now.

      This is why I don't care that much about interactions with online games, as interactions end up being childish as you can see at the comment section of this map, aswell as uploading others' stuff without his/her permission. Lame.