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Multiple linedefs in vanilla Doom

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About This File

A demonstration wad showing how to make multiple-line switches in vanilla Doom. This can be used to make very powerful effects without the need for port features, although it does feature the minor side effect of dealing one point of damage (which can be countered by an inclusion of a health potion in the dummy sector but if this is done the side effect is more noticeable). The effect works by crushing a barrel when a trigger is switched (this could be done with either a switch or a walkover plate). The explosion knocks a voodoo doll into some walkover plates, thus causing multiple effects. This can also be used to do many other things never before seen in vanilla, including: --switch teleporters --a switch that gives the player as many items as you wish --by having a monster telefrag the barrel instead of having it get crushed,you can make teleporters not work until a switch has been activated to 'power' it --by this same technique, an exit that requires three switches --also by this technique, shootable exits, lifts, and even teleporters --again by that technique, you can make switches with a delay (by making the teleporter in the monster sector lower from whatever height you wish) --by replacing the voodoo doll with a monster, it could be used as an ultra fast monster beam-in without any need for it to be activated beforehand --by making the voodoo doll teleport onto another voodoo doll, you can make an instant-death switch (looks like I one-upped you, Nick Baker =P).

There's no end to the number of ways this demonstration could be used. I hope you can think of some more creative than I :) Note that by using this you waive Doom Legacy support (as the current version doesn't allow voodoo dolls).

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Unknown date

This is great and it works in Eternity. :)

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Unknown date

useful idea :)

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Unknown date

Great, but too bad it doesn't work in zdoom :(.

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Unknown date

I am amazed this wasn't thought of earlier.

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Unknown date

This is amazing. The only reason I would ever not reccommend this is because for some reason the effect doesn't work in ZDoom. I don't know why people haven't seen this before, because it's only 2 years old.

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  • File Reviews

    • By Pepo · Posted
      thank god Underhalls was the map that followed this mod as that level was able to remind me what actually competent level design looks like.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      Not that bad, even kind of interesting find the secrets in the map! But yeah, that switches jungle is a awful choice really.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      A basic and nice looking showroom type of map where monsters are trapped inside glass prisons, no exit and no way to play this with any modern source Port like DSDA-Doom and GZDoom, but works really well in Crispy Doom. It was a pleasant experience.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      Conceptually not bad, it's a pretty imposing tower with some decent lighting, but no ammo at all despite having the guns and a VERY obscure way to rise up the floor in the lava pit? That's a big downer. But overall, it's ok.
    • By eanasir · Posted
      Well, the map is pretty basic. The map is quite challenging, with there being 0 ammo pickups (excluding the backpack) outside of the starting room. There are also nazis for some reason. I will give it 2 stars only because this really wasn't meant to be played to be enjoyed, but rather just a example of how to build a map in DEU.