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Vile Flesh

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An uneven MEGAWAD. The earlier maps are very good with great design and balanced gameplay. As the megawad advances after MAP 20 the maps get much more convoluted with obscure progression (sometimes very obtuse, even with idbeholdM it's still very hard to figure out progression) and scarce rocket/cell plasma which make a chore to trudge along with a lot of hellknights/revenants and other medium tier monsters. I could deal with the scarcity of ammo but what bogs me down was the confusing layout of some maps. Anyway, it was very good until MAP 20 after that not so much.

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Not bad for a solo megawad. The difficulty is well balanced, the levels are designed well and the music is suitable, although not memorable.


My favourite maps were 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 32, so my enjoyment peaked around the middle.


Pistol starts are NOT recommended, unless you enjoy killing hundreds of monsters using just the chaingun and single-barreled shotgun.

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If one dream of making a megawad that is perfect, with music soo good that no one can replicate, and with an aesthetic soo amazing that is undeniable, well, that its Vile Flesh, that what Gwyn Williams made. His sole contribution to the community, and one of the best megawads out there.
There is nothing say against this amazing megawad.
Just doom 2 stock textures, no TNT, and no Plutonia, just Doom 2 textures, and maybe some from Ultimate Doom. But what makes this soo good? i suppose is that the author really enjoyed one of the best megawads out there, ETERNAL DooM, soo much that he decided to make his own. And that not all, he also made the music, and thats a highlight, because the music pack of this wad is one of the best out there.
All in all, this is perfect love letter to team TNT as the author really dig their mapping style and made it his own.
I haven't found any other mapset that gets soo near to the style of the original team TNT. And i think, this even surpase them.

An adventure like no other.
Thanks, Gwyn Williams for this amazing megawad.

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Unquestionable classic, and one of my favorites. 


The only wad I know that implements switch-hunting as the gameplay progression basic without ever making it confusing. Unique for its unorthodox design decisions, its work with the original base textures, and handing a feeling of obvious progression to the player, as the layouts and gameplay get more complex with each map, while still holding episodic themes and its distinctly identifiable design choices throughout the entire trip.


Gameplay can be a bit too easy, but it's not unenjoyable; it's certainly grand amounts of fun, for it's impressive how creative and consistent it is. Don't be afraid to try it on UV, the scaling of the wad's overall difficulty is very smooth, and the entire wad has a really good flow overall. Amazingly, makes good use of backtracking: It adds to the certainty of obvious progression. The switch-hunting will never leave you wondering where to go, for it'll be largely obvious where you must head to. That's honestly impressive.


Music is entirely original, and boy is it good -- and especially -- memorable. You'll be thinking about some of its tunes for weeks, while reminded of the map they're associated with.


Looks are the comfiest there could be. Modestly simple: limited to the base game textures but doing amazing work with them, and a lot of contrast with its use of lighting.


5/5. SOULFUL. The most fun I ever had in cooperative multiplayer, and highly satisfied while in single-player.

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This is a pretty fun and underrated megaWAD. If I had to briefly sum it up it would be "Eternal Doom but with most of the cryptic switch hunting bullshit cut out". As you progress through it, the levels get larger and more complex. I like how you actually end up going to Hell in the middle of the megaWAD and eventually return to the corrupted city at about the last fifth of the megaWAD.


I did have some gripes with it though. It has a death exit (I'll never like those) and sometimes it's not 100% clear as to where you have to go. Expect to consult your automap and even blindly wallhump some to figure out where to go or to find a key. Also, I think the level Ungod may be broken as I couldn't reach the yellow key as intended. I had to straferun across the slime pit in that level in order to reach it. Mind you, I was using Boom compatibility mode with GZDoom. I didn't check to see if Boom (strict) compatibility mode made a difference. Finally, there are some graphical anomalies in the form of GL holes due to the use of faux-3D floors if you play this in OpenGL mode.


Despite my gripes, this is easily one of my favorite megaWADs to play through and I highly recommend it.

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Quite difficult on UV. Encourages you to tread lightly or get owned repeatedly. The layouts are well put together, albeit detail is not what this pack was going for. The levels increase in size as you progress and it will provide a significant challenge for highly skilled players. Although not my cup of tea, I enjoyed what little time I had running through this set.

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Pretty good mapset, if a bit on the plain side.

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Unknown date

vary fun and creative level's however it will take a prity powerfull port to run most of them 5/5 -tyrian

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Unknown date

this is the best, the welsh rule, *****

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Unknown date

Just play it.

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Unknown date

The nectar of addictive, optimally balanced difficulty with an outstanding eye for intelligently reusing areas, clever use of architecture, through using varying heights within the same area to extend the gameplay and exploration. Very expansive and rich environments. Gameplay style is similar to Doom II - Enemies sprinkled sparsely throughout and it's only like Eternal in length not complexity. For me this is the best megawad release since AV, rock on Gwyn! - 5/5.

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Unknown date

I don't know about this. These levels seem really old and kinda under detailed. It's cool that only one guy did ALL of this but it lacks something. I didn't play all the levels because it got kinda boring to me. I don't know, maybe it was the mood I was in. A person does get that nice old school Doom feel when playing this. It's like a megawad that my friend and I would of put toghter back when we were 14 or something like that. 7/30/07

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Unknown date

Great! Plays will, big maps, good looking, and 32 maps by one man! Only minor fault is that occasionally textures aren't aligned perfectly, but not bad teturing by any means and the rest of the looks are fine - detailed, sticks to a theme, textures finely chosen, and good looking. Unsure whether to 1/2 pt. off for the misalignments, but wouldn't take a whole point off. Since I cant't give a wad 4.5/5, and with the rest so nice - especially with this the author's 1st wad, I'll go up to 5/5. Good job!

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Unknown date

This is a really good piece of work and there is some excellent original music that makes me feel proud that I'm not the only person doing music, the music in this wad is really good. I'm giving it 5 Stars not because of its level design, but because of its gameplay and general layout. Its a sure challenge and is exciting to play. -PC

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Unknown date

Oops - the previous reviewer accidentally chose 3 stars. :( Anyway, it's a stunningly good one-man megawad. Very polished and balanced gameplay, together with good architecture.

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Unknown date

Crazy. Insane. Good. 5/5

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Unknown date

components: gameplay: 60%, music: 25%, design, 15% scores: gameplay: 1/5, music: 4/5, design: 5/5 about 2/5. i agree with the last review, overpraised

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Unknown date

Better than the Hell Revealed series and Kama Putra.

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Unknown date

too long and the map are too symetrical

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Unknown date

Toss up between 4 and 5 stars, somewhere like 4.5. Large and fun levels and generally looks good. Only real things that make it not a definite full 5 are a few alignment problems and a few not-so-great lookind rooms. But these are minor, as even the looks are pretty good overall (especially for the author's first wad). Giving it a 5 just so the overall rating doesn't risk decreasing to 4.0.

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Unknown date

Best wad of 2004.

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Unknown date

these maps stinks! pretty shitty level design, flooded with redundant copypaste. contrast lightning style (borrowed from Equinox) is overused. gameplay solutions are kinda lame and annoying.

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Unknown date

This is your first? It sure as hell doesn't look like it! Really good and "unique" detail sets this apart from many other MegaWADs. A great mission pack. 5 out of 5. -prdarkfox

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Unknown date

For a first map(set), this is quality work. Gwyn has skilfully woven that classic feel in to the game. Combine this with some great game-play and your in for a very enjoyable experience. Even with it's little flaws, this has to be a 4/5 -jb

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Unknown date

masterpiece! daimon.

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