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Crimson Canyon

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About This File

A themed map series intended for single player exploration and conquest. Designed to be visually exciting, different and fun, as well as provide intense combat situations with as many enemies as could be packed in and survived. This set is NOT at all meant to kill the player in 60 seconds.

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The Good:


- Lots of ammo, etc to keep you alive

- Continuous MAPS (which I like)

- Decent music

- Plenty of switches that don't keep you guessing what each does

- Not a slaughterfest, but will keep your trigger finger busy

- Some very clever secrets thrown into the mix


The Bad:


- The Crimson Canyon Map (Gawd, I absolutely HATED this Map) - this should have been the best MAP in the game but it was disastrous.

- Lots of cramped levels.

- WAYYYYYY too many Hell Knights.

  This WAD had so many that I wondered why this WAD wasn't called "Hell Knight"

- Very little puzzles

- Most secret's "treasures" were unrewarding

- Monsters that appear from thin air


All in All:


For the year this WAD was created, it's got good eye candy. I really got into this WAD until I hit MAP 07. After that, it kinda went straight downhill for me because of the cramped hallways. MAP 12, the last level, was very anti-climatic due to lack of any kind of boss. The whole project just felt abandoned.


Cacoward worthy? Not by today's standards. Perhaps back in the day. Type of WAD you'll soon forget but worth a play.


3 Stars out of 5.

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One of best sets of maps I've ever played. Perfect balanced combat at UV, nice layouts and monster count in good numbers (could be higher though). Would love to play a megawad made by J S Graham!

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· Edited by galileo31dos01


Done with these settings:


- Crispy Doom 4.2

- Ultra-Violence.

- Continuous combined with a pistol start mindset.

- Saves every 10 minutes or so.


An ok wad, for a lack of a proper word. Consistent execution, appealing visuals, but partially uninteresting gameplay, to sum up my general impressions. On the theme side, the marine was sent to an asteroid in order to do the dirty work. You start in a sort of military base, casually infested by ex-soldiers, arrive to a power station, traverse some sewers, the named crimson canyon, several cramped tech rooms in a space ship, until you arrive to the gate where you must shut down the demon infestation, or something, for story lovers the author wrote a full single text file. So in terms of visuals, there're a lot of new textures, such as stock walls painted to dark grey, which doesn't look so bad, extra computer panels, different red bricks and lava textures for the canyon maps, and much more. Nothing extraordinary, I did like the new additions though, particularly the flames in the way they were used (until their usage became repetitive, you'll see...). The interesting side of the visuals is that, assuming you've read the plot, you'll understand the cohesiveness between the maps, they thematically end in map 10, and the last two maps are extras. Finally, the soundtrack was quite nice to hear, at least the ones that weren't a bit repetitive. I loved map 02's track, it reminded me to BTSX1 first track, and if a midi brings me back to a mapset I loved, it's a huge plus personally speaking. 


The action is what some people would call "grindfest". Basically, monsters come in packs, usually appear in front of the player, or teleport in somewhere one by one. Ambushes and hordes of the same kind of monster are the most frequent, particularly packs of zombies that will be gift you with plenty of ammo, not that there scarcity is a thing in any of the maps, even if you're pistol starting you'll stumble upon ammo in narrow passages that can't be avoided. Figure in continuous how embarrassingly common was that... At times, you'll find hitscanners easy to grind from the other side of a corridor, at others, only projectile-based in complete open spaces, which only makes them look tiny and disoriented. At least once in every map there's the old-fashioned pinkies + chainsaw combo, which I always took gracefully, even though it's often labelled as "boring". As you can read, the combat is on the grind side, not real threatening in earlier maps, but maybe that can sound appetizing to you. I still found a few fairly challenging parts in later maps, in comparison to what the majority of set provides, where number of monsters is in compliance with the cramped area, less "nonthreatening grind" in other words, like being caught in between a bunch of hell knights coming from every narrow corridor. The 10 maps that compose the story basically play similar, with progression being naturally linear, but with a lot of backtrack in between (I recall only one map providing a teleport back to a recently opened area), so it's easy to keep track of what you're doing. Exceptions are the canyon maps, although if you're in the mood, there are many apparently "glide-able" gates, good for when you loose interesting in killing stuff. The two extras also appear in the Claustrophobia 1024 series, I think, they are absolutely straightforward and too awkward to play to be honest, no idea why they are in this wad... Despite the sort of combat here, the story maps can serve for a casual not-so-hard experience to new players, or when you feel like mowing down zombies and grabbing their ammo, that is funny to me from time to time. One little thing, in some maps it is possible to be unable to max them, due to broken teleport lines in several monster closets. It happened to me in map 03.   


Secret-wise, not hard to find them all except for the ones behind random unmarked walls. One of the most common is a secret in every map that contains a special thing, usually opened after doing some progression, don't forget it if you're playing on continuous. There is one secret in map 07 that only rewards you with pointless backtrack, if you happen to find it, well, I am sorry for you.


Overall, it was ok, I was in the mood for something like this so I enjoyed it, more or less. I would recommend it only if you love anything from what I said above, or just for the music, honestly. Regardless, not bad. My rate is 6/10. 

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Havoc Crow


The gameplay is dull, way too simple and repetitive (oh hey, three Hell Knights again. Yawn. And two more. And then, two more. Snore), with a lot of tiny groups of monsters in overlarge, mostly empty areas. The visuals are boring as well, with a lot of nearly indistinguishable areas. Pass.

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Very nice megawad. In first I love architecture. And also balance. Very sad only 12 levels. 4/5.

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Awesome architect..cool designs and groovy layouts..catchy music...lots of hit scanner..not fun for speed-running..worth playing...4.4 stars rounded

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Every time that I play Doom, I make sure that Crimson Canyon is in my folder. Another one of my personal favorites, with solid difficulty implementation, item placement and opposition from monsters complementing such defined layouts and architecture - this map pack will surely leave you entertained like myself!

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some of the maps here I remember playing in other wads. as for the whole mapset, it's more or less so-so. while MAP05 and some other ones looked cool, the gameplay leaves quite a lot to be desired. sometimes there's a ton of hitscanners, sometimes there isn't any at all.

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I'm genuinely surprised that this won a cacoward in 2005, when much better stuff was being released. This wad is average in just about every way, except the music which I found above average. Ho hum gameplay, bland texturing, weak architecture - huge, open levels that rarely exceed 215 monsters. 3 stars, because I thought the music was cool.

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Unknown date

Kind of uneven in terms of game play pace, and some levels aren't as well done as others, but it's a decent set of maps overall. 3/5

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Unknown date

A tasteful collection of levels. It kind of took me by surprise as I never heard about it until I played it. I like the overall style, quite atmsoferic, stylish and recognisable, and the gameplay is mostly very good as well, proveded you have a taste for longer maps.The only odd part were the last 2 small maps which I thought didn't fit in (it's as if they were, perhaps, some 1024x1024 contest leftovers),but it's still a 5/5 from me.Great!

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Unknown date

if you use this with jdoom's high res textures, this kicks ass. (i play zdoom now) - Xolzo 5/5

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Unknown date

Good. Play it. 3/5

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Unknown date

Just beat it. Last two levels did feel out of place and some levels were a bit too long and annoying (like map 5) but overall it was fairly good. I liked the way you used the Archviles, the Spider Mastermind and the Cyberdemon. Not too soon and not too much. Overall I'd give it a 3,5/5. Fairly good but a bit too long - on the last levels you seemed to be running out of ideas.

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Unknown date

These levels are not bad. I was not a fan of the red hellish looking levels except level 9. I think I may have played level 12 before somewhere along the way. Anyway these levels are fun with lots of ammo, maybe a little to much, and a good amount of health too. 3/14/07

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Unknown date

Not bad.

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Unknown date

A lovely-looking collection of levels. The author has compiled a tasteful bunch of textures and the detailing is attractive, with metal cages and broken wall panels and so forth. In jDoom, with the jDoom Environment Pack, it's awesomely attractive. Plays good, too, reminds me of Doom 64 in places; level 3 is my favourite, the others tend to be too large and exhausting. As the textfile notes, the last two were written for Congestion: 1024 and seem out of place.

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Unknown date

A good set of maps. My favorite from the author.

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Unknown date

Deffinitely recommended, if you're into classic style gameplay and some nice detailed architecture. I normally don't like red cave levels, but this pulls of the style so neatly I still enjoyed it. Gameplay is on the tougher side. Also proves that you don't need zdoom scripting, fancy effects and stuff to make a great fun levelset, so I'm giving it a 5. Oh yeah, the 2 1024 inclusions were really unnecessary...-TeH NeXuS

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Unknown date

"This set is NOT at all meant to kill the player in 60 seconds." Haha what a joke, I died about 20-30 times so far, I'm at map 07. I have to blame AEOD for throwing at me hard monsters, or the maps having too many enemies in open space, where they can easily kick your ass, without even knowing what hit you! I give this 3 stars, the health scarcity is what killed it, ammo placement was fine though! (yes I found secrets too, thank god for health spheres!)

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Unknown date

Excellent mapping, great new textures, nice music, great gameplay... This one goes down as a true classic in my book! ***** -julz_d

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Unknown date

haha, exactly what i was looking for! my doom fix has run a little low lately, i hate playing just 1 level

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Unknown date

Very nice and simple gameplay. Has a classic Doom feel to it. Nice placement of weapons, ammo, and monsters. 4/5 -r_rr

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Unknown date

Really very nice! The only quip I have is that the last level is neither up to par with the rest (quality-wise) nor really fits into the whole thing.

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Unknown date

just brilliant, i loved this megawad!! thank you :)

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  • File Reviews

    • By ETTiNGRiNDER · Posted
      This one is all over the place with several disparate "chapters" to how it progresses linked vaguely by themes of texture choice, and it's mostly not good; at times I felt like the author was trying to make the most infuriating level possible.  One of the biggest issues is the seeming obsession with timed door scenarios, where you trigger a switch, then have to run somewhere else to get through a door before it closes again.  These are placed over and over again across the map, and the first couple, before you work out that they're the main gimmick of the map, are pretty cryptic in trying to figure out what the switches do.  From then on it's kind of "oh, it's THIS again, couldn't it be something different?"  As the fighter, none of them were bad enough to force speedrun tactics, but they were tight enough to be annoying and would probably be even more so as one of the slower classes.   In the beginning, you're in sort of a dark labyrinth of waterways and caves, and it's a bit difficult to navigate where you're going in the darkness; there's a torch that you might want to burn early, but there are later parts of the map where it would also be useful so there's a tradeoff in saving it or not.  This part of the map is also pretty brutal when it comes to count and nastiness of monsters vs. the available resources, tending to result in the hard beginning, easier later type of issue though it never quite gets generous enough to be super easy.   Breaking past the start you come across the dam proper, which is huge, and has some fiddly jumping and ledge hugging (along with the timed door gimmick, which here can potentially kill you if you don't get through certain tunnels before the polyobject comes back and crushes you).  There's a section that's like Doom 2's Chasm, with the addition of having to jump between the platforms and dying to fall damage if you miss, but at least this part isn't on a timer.  A few switches are retriggerable and can block your progression if you hit them more times than needed.  At least one of the essential timed actions is rather hard to figure out, too.   In the second half of the map, after completing the dam, you get the Wings of Wrath and can fly around some big spaces battling a big mass of creatures, which might be the most fun part of the map, but it's not enough to really redeem it and soon enough you're on to some dark, confined catacombs where the timed door gimmick comes back in force.   Finally you break free into some larger and better lit arenas where you fight a couple of class bosses and their minions.  After that you get a message that you won the map, but that you can still explore if you want to; at this point you have wings and a loopback is open, so I did so, found and killed a couple of optional sort-of-hidden bosses (with not much reward for doing so beyond beating them for its own sake), but ultimately couldn't find the last four monsters.  So I issued the console "kill monsters" command to see if any final scripted thing would happen if you wiped everything, but nothing apparent did; the "you win" script line is all the ending you get, with no formal exit.   There are also some missing texture errors; they reference flats from the Hexen beta version so if you load a texture pack that includes them, it'll fix the issue, but it's puzzling why they weren't included with the WAD.  There's some other weird texturing that almost feels like some walls were missed in the process of changing texture choices, and the way the ZDoom skybox feature was used is a bit weird and ugly.   I've seen worse by a lot but I would not recommend this one.
    • By Horus · Posted
      Impressive use of custom monsters, textures and sprites, considering the time period. The Mission Impossible-derived soundtrack fits the goofy nature of the map well. First map is my favourite, final map drags a bit.
    • By Logamuffin · Posted
      I'm so thankful that they changed the ugly red and white pill symbol to a green cross in the Doom Classic Unity port.   The text file going into incredible specificity with why it needed to be changed originally gave me a good chuckle though, so I won't give it 1 star.
    • By Horus · Posted
      Oppressive amounts of hitscan, tunnels and paths of limited lighting, plus very little health, turn this into a cover-shooter in the extreme