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32 Hours in Pain

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About This File

This is the second episode of the " 20 Days in Hell " trilogy. Send me feedback, please. Requires TNT Evilution.

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· Edited by P41R47


Pretty entertaining and challenging mapset.

The maps start in a somewhat heretic or cave theme at first, and with a really abstract style with just tiny little realistic details.

It use TNT as iwad and there are just a few maps with name patches. The rest and the text screens are the ones from TNT.

The story is interesting: Serena, B.J. Blazkowicz's wife, worried that, after the incident on 20 Days In Hell (but it could be also after Doom 2 final map), he hasn't returned home yet. So she decide to go search for him.

In the proces she found that every map we play is an hour of torture for her husband, and thats from where the title 32 Hours of Pain come. Thematically, the maps use the TNT skies to tell the story, starting with Serena on earth, vayaging throught space on map12 to map20, and reaching hell where her husband is being tortured on map21 to map30


Maps have a good gameplay, and the little and few details really stand out from the abstract design, like in map11 the ship sailing out to space. The design varies from really large and big open areas to really cramped and difficult to traverse tunnels and areas. Thus, it somehow really grasp the TNT feel and style. This also implies, sometimes, obscure progression and switch hunting.

The texturing is varied, from monotexturing to using different themes like starbase and marble on the same map, especially on those where the hellish influece is seen as bigger.


I really enjoyed it!

Its not a masterpiece, but it certaily has a charm and offers a good challenge.

Kristian Aro's story, maybe i'm wrong with this, was use as a base for 2002: A Doom Odyssey later as its pretty similar.

This mapset is kinda analogue to Paul Corfiatis The Twilight Zone.

Both follow a free thematic texturing from map to map, both have a story mostly told throught little details (TTZ has a proper mapinfo on it, though) and both shows the first mapping efforts of their respective authors and how the ideas here lead to their later awesome mapsets.


I recommend it to anyone who is seeking abstract design and challenge.

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Nice megaWAD. No Icon of Sin at the end... good, I never liked the Icon of Sin XD XD XD

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This wad is amazing! It inspired me to make a comic series, "Doom Woman."

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Unknown date

sorry it doesn't work for me

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Unknown date

This was made in 1997 - PC. It is a good megawad 4/5.

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Unknown date

A little dated and underdetailed, but fairly fun levels.

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Unknown date

Soo Cool

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Unknown date

Only really worth it if you're truly bored, but far from the worst megawad either, so: 2.5 generously 3 stars

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Unknown date

A 3 star wad. There's some nice touches here, and some good gameplay, but it does mash a bit sometimes and quite a few of the levels seem unfinished and cobbled together. Some maps are also barely two steps removed from the IWAD maps they're based on. But a good showcase of Kristian's early talent - pritch

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Unknown date

Awesome megawad!

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Unknown date

This is downright awful. The levels are little more than a collection of large, very underdetailed rooms. The gameplay sucks and is incredibly boring. The new music is stollen and the new sprites and sounds are completely rubbish. Final Words - AVOID LIKE CRAZY. 0/5

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Unknown date

first easy...but more and more difficult

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Unknown date

Well this was a promising Plutonia esque map pack with a lot of potential, but Jesus Christ the map quality deteriorates after 15, it becomes a cobbled mess matching the likes of Slige. This is not how to make your wad coop compatible! Monsters in your face at spawn, random rape Cybers for the hell of it, lack of ammo and arms in later maps and loosely basing it off IWAD counterparts. 2/5 - Bloodite Krypto

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Unknown date

Can't speak for the SP experience, but playing through a 2P co-op game was far less than satisfying. Things start off well enough but for some inexplicable reason Aro's design methods slowly begin to fall apart (did he lose interest?), and for the last ten or so maps everything takes a tumble and it's just a string of irritating shitfests and grinds. Too many narrow spaces, bullshit obstructions, stupid guessing game traps and just plain poor monster/item placements throughout.

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Unknown date

Good and solid levelpack - some room for improvement, but overall, fun to play.

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Unknown date

Sucks. The beginning of the first level was obviously stolen from E5M1 of Heretic. Hell, the new sound seriously suck hell... just listen to the plasma gun... awful. The music is also awful.

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Unknown date

Dated but good.

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Unknown date

Kind of like "Twilight Zone" but from a Kristian standpoint. Dated and never spectacular but not half bad either.

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Unknown date

Yep, pretty darn good. Nice vanilla feel, a deserved 4 stars.

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  • File Reviews

    • By Darman Macray · Posted
      These levels are short, sweet, and pack a lot of punch. Complete with a humorous end-text-screen containing a healthy dose of silly shock-humor, this a masterful triumph of Heretic map-making, and most certainly a must-play wad.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      A really frantic and fun DM map with pretty neat stuff like invisible pillar in the middle of the arena, doesn't have anything to do with the title but the level can become a BFG spamming fest soon, especially with bots. Less fun in SP but the arch-ville+bunch of nazi combo is a nice feat.
    • By Fireseth · Posted
      Only six enemies (played on UV) and no working exit. Other than that, it is a pretty detailed map for 1995. I enjoyed the general design and the poisonous vats of acid. Very cool, but not practical for good gameplay.   EDIT: Just discovered this is a ideally a DM wad… haha, for that purpose, it seems good. My original rating was 2/5, will change it now.
    • By CravenCoyote · Posted
      Lots of traps and monster closets. Some switches are activated by shooting but there's nothing to really tell you about this because they look the same as other switches.   Texturing is good and enemy placement proved rather difficult at times. There aren't may health pickups on UV so it was a fight to get through.
    • By costadevale · Posted
      It's pretty good for 1994. If you don't mind having no health items at all (except in a few maps) and the outrageous amounts of cyberdemons per map, you should give it a try. It's pretty challenging and I like it. E2M3 is a bit 'eh...' though.