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TurboCharged ARCADE! (Demo Release)

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About This File

First off, I would like to state one... statement. This is NOT a jokewad.

Yes, the levels are not exactly the most serious. Yes, some detailing looks like it's been done by a two-year old. However, if someone asks if this is the newest successor to the SHiTWADS regime, the answer is a firm NO.

TurboCharged ARCADE! is not intended to be screwy, but to be different. An experimental wad by nature, TcA focuses on putting the player in odd situations, which require different techniques and ideas to beat them. It's sort of a throwback to the old days of arcade games, with short, sharp levels and a bit of freedom to choose whichever type of level suits your fancy.

In TcA, you can take a journey to foreign hellish landscapes, dive across rooftops whilst dodging bullets in slow motion, escape from insanely overpopulated prisons, and face off against the devilish Adolf Hitler in a showdown for the ages... all in whatever sequence you desire!

A core aspect to the gameplay in TurboCharged ARCADE! is the fact that the entire game's speed has been doubled. Enemies attack twice as fast, weapons are souped-up and speedy, and you'll be running for your life at top-speed in almost every situation. The action is non-stop, and the increased speed will test the reflexes of even the most hyperactive individuals.

TcA's intentions don't stop there, either... on top of the wild-and-crazy gameplay aspects, this wad is also intended to be funny as all hell. With all sorts of ridiculous situations, overly-retarded parodies, and over-the-top randomness, I'm hoping that everyone will have to stop playing at least once because they're laughing too damn hard to keep themselves alive. :P

However... as you may have noticed, this release is only a very tiny 8-level demo release of TcA. What, you may ask, will the full version offer? Imagine, obscene amounts of levels with incredibly varied styles of gameplay and difficulty. Sporting a new interactive level-selection system and hours upon hours of random gameplay, TcA will feature just about everything but the kitchen sink!

Anyway, enough with the salesman-type advertising... This guy may not be finished for a LONG time, but in the mean time, stay tuned at the ZDoom forums, as I'm pretty sure that the full version will feature a whole slew of levels from all over the community... as I simply can't crank out all of them on my own. :P

In the meantime, download and enjoy this small sample of things to come. Have fun, doggamnit! :P

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Unknown date

Hitler level was the best ever. 5d! ~Cson

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Unknown date

I lol'd heartily. 6/5.

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Unknown date

The Hitler map was awesome. 5/5 - KingofFlames

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Unknown date

Kind of funny, but not all that much good to play. The Matrix Level was the clear shining star here, and I'd total up at 4* for that. -Phobus

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Unknown date

holy jesus one legged christ on a pogo stick hopping down elm street, this is fucking Legendary.

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Unknown date

CHANGEMUS D_ATHOME into the console! luv that music!

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Unknown date

2 stars for matrix, zero for the rest

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Unknown date

The Matrix level alone makes this worth it. Amazing. -ww

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Unknown date

An actually good arcade-like jokewad, unlike your shitwads and lost soulsphere. I liked how the matrix level was such a jarring change in speed, extremely fast to extremely slow. One thing I didn't like was that you could never actually win anything, you always died at the end of a level. It's also too bad that TCA is dead as well so we won't get any more maps like this.

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Unknown date

Anyone know how to get out of the house on the Sherlock Holmes level? I got the note that said to go to the basement, but there is no way to get back to the basement. PS: LoL at the last paragraph of the .txt! 5/5

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Unknown date

lmao!!! Amazing dude! This is fucking genius, this isn't crap, it's insanely fun as hell!!! 1,000/5

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Unknown date

the battle sceens are neerly imposible, but its still a dam masterpece, cant wait untill its full relece 5/5

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Unknown date

Epic and incredible work. -GG

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Unknown date

Funny as hell and genius. Fun too but sometimes the double-speed can be a tad much. *****

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Unknown date

This is the trailer for a set of levels that have not been released as of 10/08. Despite the readme, it is a joke wad - surprisingly funny in places. The end of Map01 made me laugh. Map02 and 03 are dull. Map04, the painting, is genuinely clever and original. Map05, battleships, was a let-down. Map06 was reminiscent of The 7th Guest. Matrix level looks wonderful but uses too much bullet time. Map08 not great.

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Unknown date

I don't think constantly dying by spontaneous explosion (T_ROCKET anybody?) or whatever the fuck you can think of, the continuous scripted conversations, and the constant obnoxious "OH SNAP" type messages on screen are very funny.

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Unknown date

Haha this was insanely hard but fucking brilliant

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Unknown date

Oh my God, fucking EPIC.

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Unknown date

Still waiting for the full version. :/ Still love this wad.

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Unknown date

there is a glitch in the hitler room. in the first of the battle, some what it is bleeding, so please fix a hotfix, or just post it somewhere so i can download it, other than the that, ITS EXCELLENT. Thank you Darklord aka Andrew P.S please fix the bleeding texture that randomly texture.

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Unknown date

That was...*sniff* BEATIFUL 500/5

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  • File Reviews

    • By Pepo · Posted
      thank god Underhalls was the map that followed this mod as that level was able to remind me what actually competent level design looks like.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      Not that bad, even kind of interesting find the secrets in the map! But yeah, that switches jungle is a awful choice really.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      A basic and nice looking showroom type of map where monsters are trapped inside glass prisons, no exit and no way to play this with any modern source Port like DSDA-Doom and GZDoom, but works really well in Crispy Doom. It was a pleasant experience.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      Conceptually not bad, it's a pretty imposing tower with some decent lighting, but no ammo at all despite having the guns and a VERY obscure way to rise up the floor in the lava pit? That's a big downer. But overall, it's ok.
    • By eanasir · Posted
      Well, the map is pretty basic. The map is quite challenging, with there being 0 ammo pickups (excluding the backpack) outside of the starting room. There are also nazis for some reason. I will give it 2 stars only because this really wasn't meant to be played to be enjoyed, but rather just a example of how to build a map in DEU.