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Elegy for them Vigil

   (26 reviews)
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About This File

A sequel to my previous map Ode of Resurrection, Elegy is a nonlinear "tech base being turned into an outpost of hell"-themed map.

Notes: 1) This is by design a dimly lit map, so either play it in a dark room to avoid backlightning on the monitor, or be ready to crank up your gamma 2) No jumping allowed...except for That One Thing...

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Unknown date

This is another example of a good looking level hidden in darkness. What's the point of getting all detailed if nobody can see your work. I hate dimly let levels.

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Unknown date

A very large and detailed map (we're talking DEUS VULT-like size and level of detail, here), with emphasis on extreme non-linearity. The possible paths to completion -or failure- are so many that it's unlikely you'll succeed or find the best way to complete it from the first try. Monster fights feel almost like a secondary feature in this map, and a few spots may be annoying when repeated for the n-th time, but overall it's map you just must play. 5/5 -Maes

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Unknown date

Great map. But -1 for the bad sky, the crappy music and the boring last columns. BTW I found 2 imps stuck in a wall. 4/5 -Glassyman

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Unknown date

This is a large map that must have taken ages to do. It has about 700 monsters, but if you keep your cool it's not all that hard. I enjoyed the wander-aboutness, and the emphasis on the single shotgun. Design-wise it's a smorgasbord, a castle techbase outdoors gothic dungeon valley sewer, like a megawad crammed into one level. It could have done without the slime maze. There's some dire 1990s tracker music, although you can just turn it off.

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Unknown date

A huge well laid out level and as said above, a variety of styles all crammed in. The monster count can easily rise from 700+ to well over 1500 with all the Archviles, but if your steady-away and keep your head, this is fairly simple to complete. The lava maze is a bit tedious, but there are several rad suits so... overall 4/5

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Unknown date

Key seeking pissed me off but it was a good map. 4/5 Zalewa

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Unknown date

Nice enough, but gameplay was lacking - I often found myself not knowing where to go after hitting yet another switch. Non-linear gameplay is nice, but it's also very difficult to pull off, and this map doesn't quite manage.

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Unknown date

M'kay. That was a large map, dark map and partially hard map. Architecture was good indeed, but overall too many dark corners (nah, don't tell me about atmosphere, but when it's v. bright in my room and I can't see anything in the level...), ammo was short in some parts but overall quite entertaining wad. Key finding sometimes a bit lenghty. Good map with a few flaws for me. 4/5 Cacod.

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Unknown date

I really loved this one. It can be a bit hard and comfusing, but it is obvious that a very, very lot of work went into this map. It took me a good couple of hours to solve, but I enjoyed nearly all of it. And it looked beautiful. 5/5

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Unknown date

It's a great map for what it is, but there are elements that punish the player, thus making the map frustrating at times.

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Unknown date

Huge, very nice and very dark - can get tense at times. I two also found imps stuck in a wall and a baron and a specter stuck togethor. Other than that. It's great but I take .5 off for the crappy music. x.x. 4.5/5 - Simply Amazing.

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Unknown date

not a fan of nonlinear levels also died numerous times played on the easiest skill level if this is easy I don't want to check out the hardest skill level

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Unknown date

One of the best map i've ever played in a lot of time, very beaty and intense, but not a total masterpiece IMO. For me, the best are sabbath martyr deathmatch, dynamite dm, claustrophobia: when the wall closes in, alien vendetta, kamasutra, fava beans, etc.

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Unknown date

Pretty good for Coop. I need to play it single player, though. Over all one of the best maps I've ever had the pleasure of running. I get lost in it a lot (in a good way).

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Unknown date

To the above reviewer, the readme mentions to either play in a dark room or crank up gamma. It's your choice. It was a great map for me.

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Unknown date

I've killed about 700 of the monsters and now I have no idea what the hell to do. The lava maze is a piece of shit but the rest of the level is cool. I wish I knew how to finish it. 5/23/07

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Unknown date

The best thing I've played since 2007 started.

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  • File Reviews

    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      A really frantic and fun DM map with pretty neat stuff like invisible pillar in the middle of the arena, doesn't have anything to do with the title but the level can become a BFG spamming fest soon, especially with bots. Less fun in SP but the arch-ville+bunch of nazi combo is a nice feat.
    • By Fireseth · Posted
      Only six enemies (played on UV) and no working exit. Other than that, it is a pretty detailed map for 1995. I enjoyed the general design and the poisonous vats of acid. Very cool, but not practical for good gameplay.   EDIT: Just discovered this is a ideally a DM wad… haha, for that purpose, it seems good. My original rating was 2/5, will change it now.
    • By CravenCoyote · Posted
      Lots of traps and monster closets. Some switches are activated by shooting but there's nothing to really tell you about this because they look the same as other switches.   Texturing is good and enemy placement proved rather difficult at times. There aren't may health pickups on UV so it was a fight to get through.
    • By costadevale · Posted
      It's pretty good for 1994. If you don't mind having no health items at all (except in a few maps) and the outrageous amounts of cyberdemons per map, you should give it a try. It's pretty challenging and I like it. E2M3 is a bit 'eh...' though.
    • By entropy122 · Posted
      What the actual f*ck is this map. I love having 4 rockets, a shit ton of bullets and like 10 shotgun shells to take out a revenant, and whatever was in that cage. Doesn't look too bad, maybe this negativity is cus im no expert, also rather unskilled at the game?