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The DOOM Tribute Project

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About This File

This is a re-interpretation of the original DOOM & DOOM II levels. It pretty much is a retelling of the DOOM story in a more up-to-date format. This wad contains 34 levels and it is an attempt to recreate the original DOOM maps while still keeping the classic DOOM experience.This wad includes cut-scenes (that are skipable), smooth DOOM weapon animations, a couple of new weapons including the railgun with sniper scope, and a second pistol you can pick up and go Lara Croft on some demon scum. For the most part, it's a tribute to DOOM. Jumping and Crouching may be required. Any addons will be available on www.zdoom.org within the DOOM Tribute thread under the Project portion of the ZDoom forums.

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For a long time I have outplayed Most of the Reinterpretations! Two years ago I dedicated a Review to him before May 9, the Victory Day of USSR in the Great Patriotic War!




And I still consider The Work of Alando1 To Be The Best Reinterpretation Of the DOOM Dilogy! I will be happy to play with his Other Projects! I recommend it to everyone!

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An excelent work! Even with custom monsters the difficulty of this megawad is very easy due to ammount of power ups given by the author. The maps are very well made and some requires a bit of exploration to progress but nothing- too obscure. Favorite MAPS = 04, 22, 23 and 26. The only MAP I didn't like was MAP 25 because it was way too cramped. What I really liked in the megawad is the additional blood features when you shot enemies. Outstanding work Mr.Alando1! Will certainly replay this one!

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People who know me can say that I'm passionate about remaking Doom 1/2. But I'm also interested in playing Doom remakes made by someone else. And this one is really good mod.


Alando1 cut off most things I personally disliked in Doom 1/2 IWADS and improved all other things he kept. The mod is well balanced (I didn't liked the idea of taking my inventory off every episode, though), and episodes plays in one breath. It can be seen that after D2 Downtown map Alando1 "run out of steam", but the ending section is still good quality.


The really bad thing is a storyplot cutscenes. To be honest, that was like reading a bad Doom fanfic which forces me to facepalm every time I see it. But they happens not so many times, so I can live with it.


Must play.

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Burly Jim



The Doom 1 portion of this is excellent, but by the middle of Doom 2 levels begin to suffer in design. You'll need to pay careful attention to scenery to find hidden switches, and some walls have to be attacked rather than interacted with. However, if you play up to the point where you secure the spaceship hangar, you'll have played some of the best classic Doom level design seen thus far.

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I'm biased when it comes to Alando's stuff. I'm a huge fan of his Temple of the Lizardmen series so when I found out he was doing a Doom Tribute project I was excited for it to come out.


He didn't disappoint either. This is a damn fine retelling of both Doom and Doom 2 using some ZDoom effects to good measure. It's not bloated with these effects either. Aside from cutscenes (which can be skipped), swimmable liquids, and some slopes, they really didn't get in the way of what I felt like was an authentic classic experience. Some areas can be a bit tough if you're not ready (some of the ambushes get really hectic) or make good use of ammo management as you do restart some episodes with just a pistol despite it being a continuous experience.


While I don't see it happening, I'd like to see Alando do the same thing with Final Doom one day. I think he could come up with something really great if he ever decides to venture into those titles.


I highly recommend this.

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Super intense and detailed work! Must play.

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Splendid job in nostalgia department. Good job connecting the levels. Plays very good in multiplayer. This is a cacoward candidate. Difficulty: very easy.

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· Edited by NuMetalManiak


imagine playing the original Doom and Doom II in a modern limelight, utilizing of ZDoom features, enhanced story, new types of enemies, but keeping the overall core gameplay value the same. Alando's Doom Tribute project does exactly that. it seems like it could be different, but you'll be going through places that will make you say "I know this place!"


technically, this is 7 episodes all under one MAP name, but with different letters to differentiate the different levels. it progresses consistently, starting with E1, then E2, then E3, then the Doom II episodes, spaceport, city, hell, final level with IOS. layouts are familiar but don't feel like ripoffs due to their homages being thrown into a lot of places. there's even some levels that seem like level combinations of several levels in the set. the multiple types of zombies will make things troublesome, while other new enemies could turn tables, although for the most part they blend in well with the regular crop. the later levels in the set actually seem rather underwhelming when you compare them to the ones before, I guess steam was running out with design there. there are a few unique levels though, like the one with the two belphegors and the mass of monsters afterwards, along with the large hangar level. overall, this isn't really something to miss, even if it seems to be "play Doom modern-style" type of thing.

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Great tribute to Dooms 1 and 2! Lotta places very similar to the iWads, yet laid out differently and with nice additional detailing. The custom monsters worked well with this, as did the custom sprites and sounds. Good scripting as well.

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every place in the game feels like it has a purpose, all while having smooth progression and just in general being very fun to play. good job!

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