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Hardest fight

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The HARDEST monster fight, on the saturnus's moon.

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It's actually thanks to buggy nodes that the monsters fail to attack you. Rebuilding the nodes with a non-bogus nodebuilder breaks the effect. Ports that always unconditionally rebuild nodes also break the effect. Still, it's a pretty amusing effect, for a whole half-minute.

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When a map only has one sector, the monsters won't wake up from seeing the player and won't attack either, that's something I learned from testing custom monsters, but I'm not sure of why it happens.


My only guess is that there's probably some function that checks if a monster can see the player by comparing the heights of sectors or something like that, and since it cannot compare two sectors when there's only one it never gets called. That's only a guess, I really have no idea, I couldn't find anything when I googled it.

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errrmm... Yeah. They really don't. Its not as if they are dormant - they follow you. Even the archvile. It's slightly surreal having a mob of doom monsters following without attacking.


If that was used effectively, it might be cool. But to misquote Wolverine - it's a big square room...

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Pure Hellspawn

Map01: 6 shotgun guys in a square room. Shoot em with shotgun. The rest is a demon and some imps. Map02: In a decent sized square room with a barrage of monsters including an arch-vile. They don't attack you.

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  • File Reviews

    • By Anonymus · Posted
      Great wad. 10/10
    • By CalavErik · Posted
      Absolutely love this megawad in its entirety, I'm playing it once a year since 2020 basically. The encounters all make me say "this bastard" in that sweet, loving way, chuckling through every trap and setpiece. I cant get the music out of my head, and me and my boyfriend now rithmically meow to the tunes(he likes them a lot too and told me to write this!). 
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      While I love the idea and how it's executed, I feel like it's made me appreciate big maps more!   Don't get me wrong, there are maps that are incredible! Especially those from episode 4!! But the idea of only having a few weapons and not having space to move, I don't like it, it's a bit doom-like and claustrophobic.   But other than that, it's good.
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      This has been one of the wads that has entertained me the most in recent times, although it does not stand out in almost any aspect, it does everything relatively well!   Includes 1 custom enemy, good level design, although I won't deny It includes 1 custom enemy, a good level design, although I won't deny that I've gotten lost sometimes... Only because I'm terrible at the game and because of that it took me around 7 hours to complete. (I'm VERY bad)   Oh, and I LOVE the stairs in this wad, THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL WHEN THEY ARE BUILT IN YOUR FACE