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Quester's Fest

   (9 reviews)
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About This File

Short, Boom (-complevel 9), rocket-centric, slaughter-ish, lightly-puzzle-y-but-not-much- really speedmap I made while helping a buddy get into mapping. We mapped for about 3.5 hours, followed by about 30 minutes of testing and bug fixes. I didn't finish in time, so I went back later for another hour of work. UV will kill you a few times; HMP is a much easier, more casual experience. Uses textures from Jimmy and a sky from Mech. Midi "Boss" comes from Fester's Quest NES game.

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· Edited by geo


Like in a prison riot, the only way to survive is to get your back against a corner and start throwing fists. Questler's Fest is a speed map, a challenge map and rocket map against lost souls, pain elementals and two trapped arch-viles. At least that's what it was like on "too young to die." Fighting swarms of lost souls with a rocket launcher is an unenviable task. To quote Ice Cube, "Lost souls will swarm... on any motor trucker in a green uniform." There are revenants and imps in higher difficulties, but when I saw them, I thought "nope."


So do you gamble and stay moving to rocket launcher your way to victory, risking the fact that a single lost soul getting in your way will splash damage you to death or do you punch your way out of it? After losing a lot in Vegas, I went for the tried and true method to rip and tear out the eyes of floating skulls. It worked.


Since Questler's Fest is what I like to call a challenge map, there's a high challenge for such a small map. Its broken into what I'd call three parts: A grand room, a balcony overlooking the grand room and a second room that overlooks the first. Each area floods with lost souls and pain elementals and you fight them off. Simple map, high challenge. They flood in through different methods, they teleport in, lifts will bring them to your level, walls will seal you in and so on. So there is diversity with their arrival even if its 10 minutes of brawling with those that have no arms.


To spice things up, there are two arch-viles, but when they're confined in cages behind brick built bars, you can dodge their hell fire by hiding behind the bars. If it was a set of typical bars, the player would get fried and died within seconds. To be fair there is a soul sphere toward the second and a mega sphere toward the first. Most will never endure the first onslaught and they will succumb to fighting a swarm of bees with a rocket launcher.


Some might find the challenge fun, but to the rest of the world, there are easier maps out there.

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  • File Reviews

    • By Pepo · Posted
      thank god Underhalls was the map that followed this mod as that level was able to remind me what actually competent level design looks like.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      Not that bad, even kind of interesting find the secrets in the map! But yeah, that switches jungle is a awful choice really.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      A basic and nice looking showroom type of map where monsters are trapped inside glass prisons, no exit and no way to play this with any modern source Port like DSDA-Doom and GZDoom, but works really well in Crispy Doom. It was a pleasant experience.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      Conceptually not bad, it's a pretty imposing tower with some decent lighting, but no ammo at all despite having the guns and a VERY obscure way to rise up the floor in the lava pit? That's a big downer. But overall, it's ok.
    • By eanasir · Posted
      Well, the map is pretty basic. The map is quite challenging, with there being 0 ammo pickups (excluding the backpack) outside of the starting room. There are also nazis for some reason. I will give it 2 stars only because this really wasn't meant to be played to be enjoyed, but rather just a example of how to build a map in DEU.