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   (16 reviews)
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About This File

this is my very first doom map. this was more of a creativity experiment and excercise to learn doom buider. if you wanna see an older version, send an email.

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I found it to be very ambitious for a first try at Doom mapping since the map is relatively big (around 300 monsters, 50 items, 9 secrets !). Definitively deserve applause, even though we can honestly say there is no real innovation in there. In the other hand, the gameplay feels rather correct, it is absolutely playable, and no wonder that the guy behind it is able to do much better.


Basic monster placement and efficient traps. A little bit of backtracking but not much. Level design is intuitive and has a normal pathing, nothing crazy here, rather linear but I personally like that way, still better than an absolute maze, or a boring and empty world as how feel a lot of open world games nowadays.

The mapper tried well to use brightness and light effects are sometimes here to play with this contrast, even though I felt there is a misplacement, this is only my own opinion though.

Maybe it is a bit empty also, lack of decoration, too blend, we need a personal touch in here !

Texture misalignment and door tracks would be the real thing to work on aesthetic wise, a little bit of a shame !

The difficulty have a good scaling : the strongest weapons you have, the strongest enemies you fight. Sounds obvious, but apparently not for everyone… Ironically (or not) this is THE most important thing to do before having an interesting fight.


In conclusion : this is an objective success for the creator, and as a player I actually had quite fun !


4/5, a bonus point considering this is a first map, for the encouragement. A most objective note would be around 3,5 but that's an impossible note.

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Decent for a first map I guess. Would not give this a super high rating though. Let's bring this down to earth. This is someone teaching himself how to map. It's linear, it's got obvious ambushes, not much detail and most of it full of boxrooms - which is all to be expected.

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this is awesome, chill, smooth to play, not too short not too long... epic

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Its a fairly descent first map, nothing incredible, but its well made and balanced.

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