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Low Memory

   (4 reviews)


About This File

Here we go... Once upon a time, lived a 11-year old autist dwelling in the glorious realm of 4chan. One day, he was downloading Sailor Moon hentai, as usual. However, today it was different. His hard drive, which had always obediently fulfilled its master's twisted desires, suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, decided to fight.

+----------+ |LOW MEMORY| +----------+


"Ou nou wot do ai doo?", said the discouraged internet knight. Suddenly, his computer started playing some tune: "Dum dum dum dumdum dum dum dum dum dumdumdum dumdum dum dumdum dumdum dumdum" He recognized the tune. It was the track of the first level of some crappy pixelated game from 1993 his (disappointed) father likes to play, as his last refuge from the problems of having a single descendant whose vocab is limited to "YOUR MOM!". A message flashed on the screen: "Do you need help?". He managed to squeeze out a sentence from his degrading brain "jes ai doo". Then, the display of his computer started displaying a first-person view of some dude who can't even hold a gun properly. "Come on", a new message popped up, "your hard- drive depends on you!"

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· Edited by bzzrak


(Mods, could you delete this one, please?)



I have found a load of game-breaking bugs in this masterpiece of mine.

If you haven't dismissed this as another junk WAD bloating /idgames yet, please wait for a few more days until I post an updated version.


New version is in /incoming, it should be approved soon.


It's on the old frontend for now, this one is a bit slow, I guess.

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Not sure I'd define this map in so few words. It does however involve a lot of inescapable death and trial/error. If you can bear to die a few times as you progress, you'll find some of the traps and puzzles to be pretty neat and intuitive. The problem however is that there is no information to go off of that there is even a puzzle to solve. Arrows tell you what to do, and then you get attacked by monsters for doing it. Doors have crushers above them, unmarked walls are switches, etc. I'm not entirely sure the map is possible. I got stuck at this part for example (below.) Maybe the switch was supposed to be a repeatable action? Not sure. Also not sure if I'd play it again. Map author is smart, but applying it in a way that's probably only fun for spectators to laugh at, but not fun for anyone to play on their own.



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Lame troll map

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