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Hell on Earth: Super Tiny Edition

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About This File

A super short megawad where I recreate Hell on Earth into tiny playable 64x64 playable area however there are still monsters outside the playable space to kill ya.

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very creative and concise. 

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Quite a good time, Cheats are required but it wasn't intended as a challenge anyway.  It's so short that you might as well give it a look no matter what.

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· Edited by whou


Very cool and creative wad! Shootable switches are used very well, and how each level had some new way of playing with these concepts and moving around the area is pretty fun and creative. Seeing the levels being redesigned while still maintaining their visual style and """quirk""" was interesting.

By far the most memorable level was MAP24 The Chasm, which even though only had the Pinky blue room I liked having to try to avoid all the attacks in this tight space and trying to kill all of them. MAP26 The Abandoned Mines was one of my favorites too, definetly my favorite fight on the wad. Oh, and it'd be funny to mention how I was wrong to think Nirvana couldn't possibly be better lol. The Icon of Sin fight sucks even more, though it's not the wad's fault, it's just the boss + the tight space.


Needless to say that this is almost, if not just straight impossible to beat without cheats, though I don't think anyone should even care about using cheats or not in this.


Very fun and cool one hour experience!

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Fun little experiment. Every level has it's corresponding essence taken from it's Doom 2 counterpart. Factory is a bit hard to complete on pistol start though.

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Very interesting idea to represent 32 maps of the D2 in a small area. It's nice to check out this under-1-hour experience. Some of the later maps used Voodoo Doll tricks to alter the gameplay a little bit for a refresh. It's sad that I can't give a 4 because gameplay doesn't really exist in the WAD.

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Short and sweet, although there at times the WAD can catch you off guard, like with how thin the lifts. Nevertheless, the use of voodoo dolls and shootable switches was used well here and it's overall a pleasant experience.

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Another short and quick experience,which lasted less than hour. Good usage of voodoo dolls and shootable switches. My only complaint is that some lifts don't have repeatable action in case if player fails to get up in time. 

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  • File Reviews

    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      TOO MANY LOST SOULS   Other than that the map is fine, I liked all the mapping and the secrets I was able to find.
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      An interesting map I tried while I was bored and it surprised me   I LOVE the weapon textures and sounds they have, they are so... WESTERN PIUM PIUM COW BOY   I loved it despite being so short
    • By ChrisOzzie · Posted
      Extremely impressive, big, detailed levels.  Gave me some slaughter map impressions with fun non-linear designs.  Had a frustrating arch-vile room early in the first level.  Felt impossible unless i found the bfg in a secret.  Otherwise great!
    • By CalavErik · Posted
      Absolutely love this megawad in its entirety, I'm playing it once a year since 2020 basically. The encounters all make me say "this bastard" in that sweet, loving way, chuckling through every trap and setpiece. I cant get the music out of my head, and me and my boyfriend now rithmically meow to the tunes(he likes them a lot too and told me to write this!). 