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UnNecessary: 30 Maps, 32 Days, Zero Texture Alignment; or, UnAligned 2: A WAD No One Asked For

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The highly UnAnticipated sequel to 2016’s highly UnDerwhelming UnAligned! 32 bigger, badder, and even more bizarre maps for vanilla Doom II.

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This IS NOT your regular Doom 2 magawad mapset.  Maps are small and very few monsters. The big difference is every map was created with a theme or challenge in mind, usually puzzle like, like using archvile jump in order to get over high steps or obstacles.  Even though I didn't enjoy it much, I recognize the effort put on it

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10 out of 10. Better than Viva Pinata. Helped me become a better person. Greatest self-help Doom 2 mega-wad ever created.

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If its playable, and not full of so much extra crap that i cant run my mod with it. I appreciate you making it. 

Allot of parts are really puzzle'y with not enough action but their are also allot of clever ideas in here that I think warrant an occasional play threw.

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I didn't ask for such WAD. It was unnecessary to create it. The initial batch of maps (about 14, 15?) is actually playable to some extent without feeling that you're wasting your time. But then the garbage falls out of the trash can, the trash pandas invade and you yourself become one with the garbage for wading through the flood of IDCLEVs that I wouldn't recommend to the worst enemy.

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  • File Reviews

    • By Anonymus · Posted
      Great wad. 10/10
    • By CalavErik · Posted
      Absolutely love this megawad in its entirety, I'm playing it once a year since 2020 basically. The encounters all make me say "this bastard" in that sweet, loving way, chuckling through every trap and setpiece. I cant get the music out of my head, and me and my boyfriend now rithmically meow to the tunes(he likes them a lot too and told me to write this!). 
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      While I love the idea and how it's executed, I feel like it's made me appreciate big maps more!   Don't get me wrong, there are maps that are incredible! Especially those from episode 4!! But the idea of only having a few weapons and not having space to move, I don't like it, it's a bit doom-like and claustrophobic.   But other than that, it's good.
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      This has been one of the wads that has entertained me the most in recent times, although it does not stand out in almost any aspect, it does everything relatively well!   Includes 1 custom enemy, good level design, although I won't deny It includes 1 custom enemy, a good level design, although I won't deny that I've gotten lost sometimes... Only because I'm terrible at the game and because of that it took me around 7 hours to complete. (I'm VERY bad)   Oh, and I LOVE the stairs in this wad, THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL WHEN THEY ARE BUILT IN YOUR FACE