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Marathon Ally Pfhor Items ACS Enter Script

   (5 reviews)
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About This File

You and your cadres set out to embark unto the maps of doom! Adversaries are aware of reinforcements. May the Hindmost Creche (including the Pfhor High Council) be with you.

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Really enjoyed playing this map. For how large it is I found myself getting lost only once, which was not a fault of the layout I just missed a switch. Not a complaint against the map and more of a comment on my skill, but this map is pretty tough on Ultra Violence. Got to the hallway with the Arch-vile on the pedestal and had to drop down a difficulty level. The architecture is nice to look at and well thought out, the colors of the different level accents are well placed and help lead the player through the level. Great map and well worth playing.

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I have really enjoyed playing MOTM, it features very nice traps, with a good difficulty level and great graphics/environment. Well placed ammo which makes it balanced against some harder fights. Overall very well done.

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This is a great map; I love it. There's no hand-holding and it offers a good deal of depth. My only gripe against it is some of the over-the-top encounters (especially the final battle section of the map): there are simply too many enemies for either the space and/or the weaponry that's usually available. If you could lighten up the enemies in certain cramped or choke-hold areas, it would be a stellar map!

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· Edited by InterdimensionalInterloper


If you didn't position those barrels next to those chaingunner nests I would have been PISSED! All in all its a good hard level with plenty of long distance combat.

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Great spirit/item placements, and also nice trap placements. Textures are georgeous and scream "1980's sci-fi action movie".

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  • File Reviews

    • By Li'l devil · Posted
      This wad has the exact same design philosophy as Slaughter Until Death, and thus it's almost as uninteresting to play. The only major difference between TEU and SUD is that TEU has a lot more enemy spam (rooms choke full of enemies of one type). I think TEU also has a bit more interesting looking rooms, but still not much to look at.
    • By Li'l devil · Posted
      Mostly boring. There are very few interesting rooms and fight scenarios, everything else is just unremarkable. But this wad was released just 3 months after the first mapping tools appeared and at the time this was one of the very best. It's a historical artifact that should be studied, but shouldn't be played!
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      This was a suffering due to the number of enemies   The level design is not bad, however there are TOO MANY enemies.
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      This came out in 1996? Wow, it's decent even today, I like the mapping most of all.   Of course, there are areas that are not secret and are very easy to skip accidentally.