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Castle of Ice

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Walter confetti


Conceptually a pretty cool map, have a nice retextures of wall using the ice floor, giving more context to the main theme of icy cavern present here, the layout is good, some room design are pretty good for the age it was done (especially the starting area) but it's unfortunately ruined by two things: excessive slippery floors and a no exit lava pit, as well as the random nature of switches placement that activates something... somewhere. Where is not given to you to known, the same things happens for a secret (mandatory) corridors areas that connect the said grave. But despite this, is not that bad, actually! 

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This is one of the first PWADs to use ice extensively. Unfortunately it's a frustrating level, too hard on Black Plague. It's a castle in an ice/lava kingdom, and you slip on ice while monsters sap your health. You barely get any items, so the gameplay tends to be high on the trial & error scale until you figure out how to deal with the troubles. Eventually it becomes obvious that it's a deathmatch level enabled for single-player too, the gameplay falling flat at that point.

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Def. not a run and gun style map, so anyone looking for that kinda stuff can skip this.

Otherwise, the map is a small ice themed level, that starts of slow and if ya wake the maulotaur too early with infighting, ya might as well restart.

The location of the blue key and the wind on the bridge both tripped me up the first time around, but apart from that it's a decent level.

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Unknown date

This is from May 1995. It looks strange if you run it with Doom, because it's a Heretic level. I hate Heretic. The gameplay consists of firing your silly little wand - peew, peew - at silly little flying red things. This level starts off on some slippery ice, which irritated me, because slippery ice was a cliche in the 1980s. There is some lava etc but my time is too precious to even look up Heretic's IDCLIP, so I say good day to you, Castle01.

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Unknown date

is shit!

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  • File Reviews

    • By costadevale · Posted
      It's pretty good for 1994. If you don't mind having no health items at all (except in a few maps) and the outrageous amounts of cyberdemons per map, you should give it a try. It's pretty challenging and I like it. E2M3 is a bit 'eh...' though.
    • By entropy122 · Posted
      What the actual f*ck is this map. I love having 4 rockets, a shit ton of bullets and like 10 shotgun shells to take out a revenant, and whatever was in that cage. Doesn't look too bad, maybe this negativity is cus im no expert, also rather unskilled at the game?
    • By Pepo · Posted
      thank god Underhalls was the map that followed this mod as that level was able to remind me what actually competent level design looks like.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      Not that bad, even kind of interesting find the secrets in the map! But yeah, that switches jungle is a awful choice really.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      A basic and nice looking showroom type of map where monsters are trapped inside glass prisons, no exit and no way to play this with any modern source Port like DSDA-Doom and GZDoom, but works really well in Crispy Doom. It was a pleasant experience.