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Space Hulk DOOM

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About This File

Based on the Original "Space Hulk" game. You're mission is to clense varios "hulks" of infesting genestealers. Genestealers are not strong....but the bight...and you'll sure know it when they do. They fall like flies and but they run Damn Fast....If you're as quick as they are, you'll have no problems defeating Them, But if you relax for a second....you're as good as dead.

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Unknown date

This is from late 1995 - it must have been pretty elaborate in its day, with lots of new textures and sounds. There are some major problems. Firstly, the graphics are horrible. Secondly and more significantly the maps are essentially just simple undetailed Pac Man mazes in which you gun down hundreds of basically identical monsters in packs. In this respect it's quite faithful to the Space Hulk games, but it's no fun to play.

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Unknown date

I remember David from usenet, he did some cool WADS in his day. ****ish

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Unknown date

Pretty good maps. My only gripe is that the Genestealers are too powerful and the graphics sure could use some work.

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  • File Reviews

    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      While I love the idea and how it's executed, I feel like it's made me appreciate big maps more!   Don't get me wrong, there are maps that are incredible! Especially those from episode 4!! But the idea of only having a few weapons and not having space to move, I don't like it, it's a bit doom-like and claustrophobic.   But other than that, it's good.
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      This has been one of the wads that has entertained me the most in recent times, although it does not stand out in almost any aspect, it does everything relatively well!   Includes 1 custom enemy, good level design, although I won't deny It includes 1 custom enemy, a good level design, although I won't deny that I've gotten lost sometimes... Only because I'm terrible at the game and because of that it took me around 7 hours to complete. (I'm VERY bad)   Oh, and I LOVE the stairs in this wad, THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL WHEN THEY ARE BUILT IN YOUR FACE
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      I'm not a big fan of having so many enemies thrown at you (especially if they're Hitscanners) and having to rely on luck of not getting hit to survive.   However... The aesthetics, the retro music that transports me to a time that (I at least) have not lived and it has a very good placement of enemies despite as I already said Sin from time to time by spamming enemies in their faces because it can.   I think my favorite is the ending, but not because of the number of enemies (which is... Too many) but because it has that beautiful, recognizable 80s retro music (I just don't remember the name).   The 2 enemies it adds are interesting and change the dynamics of the hitscanners a bit, lucky me.   Thats everything!
    • By DJVCardMaster · Posted
      Yes, those are maps made by me a long time ago, but someone uploaded it without my permission to idgames, and used my ZDaemon tag as Author. Probably people from the GL clan, I've never bothered to ask idgames to remove it tho'.

      I've recycled some maps from this mapset for The Ultimate Twango, with better gameplay and Vanilla compat, you can check those, I swear those are ten times better now.

      This is why I don't care that much about interactions with online games, as interactions end up being childish as you can see at the comment section of this map, aswell as uploading others' stuff without his/her permission. Lame.