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Doomsday of UAC

   (203 reviews)
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About This File

Earth date December 10, 2010. Location UAC branch of Jakarta, South East Asia. Local Time 18:35. Monsters from hell just spawned in UAC complex. UAC has deployed their truck to pick you up, along with your 5 other pals to help them. But the only person sit in the secret compartment is you. :) The truck got attacked, just after it entered the complex. You were knocked unconcious... minutes later, you got out from the compartment and tried to find your pals. "Where are they ?" "Where are inhabitants of this complex ?" "If they are dead, where are the corpses?" Thus, the adventure begins... Later, you will find them all. but, they are dead. EVACUATE is your priority then.

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  • File Reviews

    • By video_ouija · Posted
      Simply put, masterpiece.
    • By Cruduxy Pegg · Posted
      This wad is different from any other mapset you'll play. some maps are very good with gimmicks and creativity you won't find in other mapsets.. other mapsets are  the most annoying puzzle hunts in gigantic maps you'll ever see as well. actually the bigger maps were usually easier to finish quickly than smaller ones, the small ones were usually padded to high heaven with stupid progression, keys and annoying as hell build the stairs switch hunts. If you want to play it I highly recommend just using a guide or cheat using doom builder as the dumbest puzzles in this wad are usually switches you don't even know exist (like an x on a random wall on a gigantic castle to continue).   I didn't play this mapset to the end either, the last third of this mapset is very annoying and I only enjoyed like 2 of those maps before quitting on that almightly annoying map26 which goes on and on and when you think you finally found the exit it takes you to a trip in time to what seems like a re-imagination of the most annoying map in Enigma (I don't hate Flynn's maps, actually I like his master levels and a lot of maps in engima).   Sadly I didn't get to experience the legendary reputations of map27 and 30 but I don't think I want to even try.   Note: This isn't the first time I played the first half of this mapset, previously it was in multiplayer and it was still very annoying to play and most players gave up in the last third of this as well.
    • By costadevale · Posted
      It may not have that "id essence" the original DTWID has, but it has a level of abstractness that I really like. Kind of like a 1994 wad, but miles more polished. This is not "below amateurish". RIP phobosdeimos1.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      What a cute small level, a little relic from 30 years ago! This map is not perfect, i know, but it's a fun small map (except for the asshole-ish secret spider placement) with many new graphics and a silly jazz tune that i heard already but i don't remember the title. There's a Doom 2 version of this map? I remember the greetings graffiti at the end of this map used elsewhere, It was such a nice touch that i did the same thing in one of my early maps (We Are 183 iirc)
    • By yurikasupershotgun2311 · Posted
      i love fungus abortion thank you :) my girlfriend said i suck at doom and she lowkey kinda bullied me but its not ur fault i love ur level mr or ms or mx guest :)